To-do list , L2 algos after Feb-20
1) ---- archived version of Feb-20 is at
star/u/balewski/2008-trigArchive/2rcf-feb20-official -rw-rw-r-- 1 balewski rhstar 531 Feb 20 06:07 l2Algorithm.h -rw-rw-r-- 1 balewski rhstar 73656 Feb 20 06:05 l2new.c drwxr-xr-x 6 balewski rhstar 2048 Feb 20 09:38 onlineL2 -rw-r--r-- 1 balewski rhstar 40888 Feb 20 06:05 rc_handler.c drwxr-sr-x 4 balewski rhstar 2048 Feb 13 01:56 StRootAny modifications should start from this version. It may be easier to work for a while on RCF nodes and move fully tested code to l2ana01 at the last moment.
2)----modified L2jet finder was NOT derived from Feb20- version, so we need to adopt it.
The details from Will Jacobs are in posted in the 1st comment to this post
The following changes are needed (perhaps more)
* rename this class from L2jetAlgo2006 to L2jetAlgo2008 (but still let it inherit from Virtual06 - to much work to change also this interface)
* match signature of all methods to current definition as of Feb20
* remove L2jetAlgo2006 from l2new& rc_handler and replace it with L2jetAlgo2008
* provide new setup file for L2jetAlgo2008, as shown in attachment form Will
*_inform_ Steve T, the new plXXX.C macro should be used to produce QA plots, but it is not our job to verify, test it. Steve must know since when new L2jetAlgo2008 is in production L2 algo.
3)--- inspect log file
Make sure it clearly says 'L2jet2008'
make sure values of all input params are printed
4)--- CPU ticks plot is empty page 1, top right, LOW PRIORITY TASK
5)--- remove 2 params from L2jet param list.
INTS # needs it as key-word 22 /* cutTag, whatever value, not used for anything */ 5 /* min phi dist J1-J2 in L2phiBins */and hard code this 2 values inside L2jet:initRun() to the default values listed above.
It is fine to live printing of those in to the log file.
- balewski's blog
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