Sketch of g/h discrimination in the Endcap
List of key variables
Tower Variables: all refer to 2x2 tower cluster identified by params:
par_seedTower=1 GeV ET, detector eta
par_clusterET=4 GeV ET, detector eta
par_tileThresh=0.5 MeV (for tower,pre,post tiles) - used only to count elements but not when energy is summed
- eta, phi: the energy-weighted center of the tower cluster (in detector space)
- x,y of the {eta,phi} at Z=SMD
- seed=hightowerE: energy of highest tower in cluster
- postE: summed energy of all postshower layers behind cluster
- postNum: number of postshowers summed together in postE
- pre1E: same as above for postE
- pre1Num: ditto
- pre2E: ditto
- pre2Num: ditto
- towerE: ditto, sum 2x2
- towerNum: ditto
There may be multiple sets of the above variables per event depending how many 2x2 tower clusters are found.
SMD Variables, based on 30-60 strips. Strips should cover entire 2x2 tower cluster, from corner to corner, plus extra 5 strips on either side (param below), all other strips in given plane are ignored
All variables below will have U-plane & V-plane instance, params
par_stripThreshMeV=0.1 (used only for counting strips)
strip section = all strips selected based on tower cluster
smd cluster = 13 strips centered on the seed strip (see below)
- Z coordinate of the plane { or depth 1,2,3}
- ID of strip @ DC to 2x2 tower cluster center {x,y}
- {nx,ny} versor perpendicular to strips @ {x,y} in STAR ref frame
- ID of highest strip
- ID of the first and last strip in the strip section
- SMD cluster energy.
- energy weighted stripID for cluster (it is float)
- rms of smd cluster in units of strip ID
- energy in strip section
- energy weighted stripID for strip section (it is float)
- rms of strip section in units of strip ID
- energy summed over ~half of strip section from #6 till the edge with larger ID
- # of strips in the section with energy > strip thresh
There will be exactly 2 sets of the above variables for every 2x2 tower cluster
Reconstructed track variables
Use only primary tracks with flag>0 and nFit/Npos>0.51
- track_eta,track_phi: the reconstructed eta and phi of the track
- track_p: momentum of that track
- track pt
- track dedx if avaliable
- {x,y} coordinate of the cross point of extrapolated outer helix to the SMD disk at Z=Zsmd
- error of x,y from #5 (if possible, from covariance matrix
Other reco variables, one per event
- vertex Z poistion & Z error
- # of prim tracks filtered as above
Geant information
- geant_eta,geant_phi & pid : the real thrown location of the particle (from geant track).
- geant Z-vertex (will be 0 for now)
Now comes the algo, but not today
- balewski's blog
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