GEANT tricks
Hi Jan,
Please pay your attention for
slide 12.
"Geometry Browser" can find and show (highlight) you the piece of the
Mortran code that describes the object selected with the mouse ( You may
want to add this to your blog ;-)
The most commonly used particles have the following GEANT ID:
Particle GEANT ID Photon 1 Positron 2 Electron 3 Mu+ 5 Mu- 6 Pi0 7 Pi+ 8 Pi- 9 K0long 10 K+ 11 K- 12 Neutron 13 Proton 14 Antiproton 15 K0short 16 Eta 17 Lambda 18 Deuteron 45 Triton 46 Alpha 47 He3 49
ALL Geant ID's are listed here
I would like to know if there is a way, when building a geometry in starsim,
starsim> dtree HALL root.exe > .L $STAR/StarDb/VmcGeometry/Geometry.upgr13.C > CreateTable() > .x ~fisyak/macros/LoopOverTgeo.C
Material study
I believe you were looking for this page
which indeed, has not been ported to Drupal. This one
also contains information on the shielding and background study
Maxim did in 2005.
macro for mass of volumes in Geant (Yuri)
/afs/ 1. You do cvs co StRoot/StChain edit StMaker.cxx // Future development: {"simpletpc", 20200102, 16, "simpletpc",""}, {"upgr20", 20200102, 17, "upgr20", "y2007 + one TOF"}, // advertized simu 20061101 {"upgr21", 20200102, 18, "upgr21", "y2007 + full TOF"}, // advertized simu 20061101 <<< insert your geometry definition here {0, 0, 0, 0, 0} rebuild library and go to step 2. 2. run root4star 'Ast2Root.C("jan")' 3. You will get jan.h 4. in root session root.exe .L jan.h jan()
You will get your VMC geometry
5. After that you run Weight.C
Jan, you should use no option
On Sep 10, 2008, at 7:20 PM, Jan Balewski wrote:
Somehow I see only this description:
Estimate the weight of a volume (in kg) with SIGMA(M)/M better than
PRECISION. Option can contain : v - verbose, a - analytical (default)
How do I chose not analytical integration method? What 'option' should
I use?
Full instruction for myself:
1) in a new directory, in stardev: /star/data05/scratch/balewski/tmp2/ 2) I copied my private geometry: cp -rp ...../pams . 3) cons 4) root4star 'Ast2Root.C("upgr15")' got produced: upgr15.h 5) copy /afs/ and edit it, I want to weigh FGT mother volume: path="HALL_1/CAVE_1/FGMO_1" tag = "upgr15" 6) root.exe .L upgr15.h upgr15() .x Weight.C Got output: FGMO Info in : Computing analytically weight of FGMO Info in : Computed weight: 1111.200497 [kg]
To change visibility of a GEANT volume add to kumac:
SATT * SEEN 1 // for all
SATT BRMD SEEN 1 // for thi one.
The queue "long" is available and this is really the only way to make
the job run longer and not be evicted. To prevent a job from re-running,
there are a few tricks
PeriodicHold = (JobRunCount >= 1 && JobStatus == 1)
would have the job held in the queue instead of re-starting.
PeriodicRemove = (JobRunCount >= 1 && JobStatus == 1)
which would tell to remove the job upon the same condition.
- balewski's blog
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