Results of last commit
fig 1 : ratio (hits after removal of sim-real GEOM /hits GEANT)
fig 2 : log10 of the number of strips from simulation after DAQ cut (red) and real data (blue) per event
fig 3 : energy of associated hits (reconstruction and sim) vs quality : SSD
fig 4 : energy of associated hits (reconstruction and sim) vs quality : SVT
fig 5 : energy of associated hits (reconstruction and sim) vs quality : TPC
II. run over 100 evts
fig 6 : charge matching of hits :
charge of hits on N-side (y axis) vs charge of hits on P-side (x-axis)
fig 7 : I ran over the same 100 events used for the physics data
fig 8 :
pT(RC) - pT(MC) vs pT(MC), with :
pT(MC) >0.2 ; NTpc(MC) > 20 ; eta(MC) <1
panel 1 : SSD hit = 0
panel 2 : SSD hit = 1
panel 3 : quality > 96 (SSD hit = 0 and SSD hit = 1)
panel 4 : quality > 96 and SSD hit = 1
fig 9 : energy of SSD hits
fig 10 : Comparison of MC energy Hits
Landau fit :
Most Probable Value (SVT) : 127 keV
Most Probable Value (SSD) : 108 keV
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