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Calorimeter tower calibration history
Updated on Mon, 2008-09-15 16:27. Originally created by genevb on 2008-09-15 11:53.
In preparation for the upcoming calorimeter calibration workshop, I wanted to organize a bit the history of past calorimeter calibration work. Here I summarize what I have found for the calorimeter tower gains calibrations starting a few years back (perhaps not back to the dawn of the efforts, but at least inclusive of the relevant years, I hope).
- LEDs
- Only in the barrel
- Inverse slopes from ADC spectra
- Plentiful statistics
- Only relative gains within eta rings because spectra change with eta
Must use lowest portion of ADC spectrum because high end is dominated by showers from inactive material?
- MIP peaks
- Short lever arm
- Reasonable statistics
- Can provide absolute gains based on simulations / test beam data (SN 0433)
- Electron E/p
- Needs TPC; doesn't work at large eta
- Reduced statistics (needs at least 1M tower-triggered pp events)
- pi0 invariant mass
- Complicated by dependencies of invariant mass (pt, eta?)
- Reduced statistics
- Isolated gammas (Tower vs. SMD energy)
- Gammas identified by SMD
General notes:
- Barrel gain in the database has been defined in the calibrations to represent the coefficient to convert ADC counts into GeV. So the units are [GeV/ADC]
- Endcap gain in the database has been defined in the calibrations to represent the coefficient to convert GeV into ADC counts. So the units are [ADC/GeV]
- pp data provides the cleanest showers, so calibs are generally done in pp years
Barrel tower history:
(much of it has been Calibrations)
Online calibs (changed to the HVs) have been documented by Stephen
- Run 3:
- Run 4: (half EMC in place)
- Mike & Adam did MIPs tower-by-tower, then ring-by-ring E/p fit to GEANT, then global E/p
- Declared a 5% systematic uncertainty on absolute gains (see note at top of 2005 study)
- Run 5: (nearly whole EMC in place)
- Repeat of Run4, some games played for ring-by-ring E/p
- First with CuCu on west side only (starts 1/13/05)
- Then with CuCu using new east side towers (starts 3/22/05)
- Then with pp using full tower set (starts 2/1/05 and 3/22/05)
- Declared a 4.5% systematic uncertainty on absolute gains
- Suggestion to look more differentially (vs. eta and R = distance from tower center)
- Run 6:
- HVs were modified in 2006 to give towers ~60GeV range (full scale of ADCs = 4096 - ~100 pedestal ~= 4000)
- LEDs were used to calibrate online (set HVs)
- Inverse slopes were used to calibrate online (set HVs)
- Adam first did relative gains within eta rings by MIPs plus absolute gain from E/p ring-by-ring
- It appears that Adam then did tower-by-tower MIPs and E/p, but never uploaded these to the DB
- Adam reports from Run 6 that MIP peak position is known to about +/-5%.
- Adam reports that gains seems to change systematically with time (stability, order 5%)
- Run 7:
- Inverse slope outlier HVs adjusted online
- Only changed outliers needed offline gains adjusted
- Run 8:
- Not yet determined - in discussion
- Will need to be wary of high eta tower gains
- Examined:
- MIPs (shows ADC value of MIPs too high at high eta = HV of towers too high)
- Isolated gammas (shows BSMD clusters with too low energy at high eta = HV of towers too high, allowing low energy towers to pass trigger)
- pi0s (shows invariant mass too high at high eta = HV of towers too high, causing E = C*ADC to be too high)
Endcap tower history
- Full scale energy set to ET (transverse energy) = 40 GeV
- Run 6:
- Run 7:
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