Gamma tree production
Updated on Thu, 2008-04-10 10:57. Originally created by jwebb on 2008-04-09 19:51.
Reproduce gamma trees for comparison between gamma yields from data and from pythia.
0.0 Code tree and output location
Codes reside at
Trees reside at
1.0 Run List
I. Select runs which satisfy more stringent offline QA requirements than previously done
a) Drop runs flagged as high background (Qb)
b) Drop runs w/ trigger rate anamolies (Tr)
c) Drop runs w/ eemc trigger probleams (Eh or Ej)
d) Drop runs w/ bad BEmc data (Bx) or crates (Bc)
e) Drop runs w/ daq errors (Dq)
f) Drop runs w/ esmd problems (Mb)
g) Drops runs ended w/ TPC trip (Dt)
h) Drop any run which no one looked at
178 runs survive this initial QA check. Refer to this runlist as "electrum" (as in the naturally occurring alloy of gold + silver + copper + impurities).
II. Catalog query requires 3 detectors in the run. TPC, eemc, esmd. (Should require bemc as well for isolation... next time). We process only ppProductionLong.
<input URL=";,tpc=1,eemc=1,esmd=1,sanity=1,filename~st_phys,trgsetupname=ppProductionLong,filetype=daq_reco_MuDst,storage!~HPSS" nFiles="all" />
III. After production, require that every run in the runlist
a) Produced one gamma tree for each daq file in the catalog
b) No errors reported in log file
c) Log file shows that root exited properly
Problems noted. These runs are kicked out of the analysis. We will attempt to recover/debug by hand later.
136 runs have no problems. Refer to this runlist as "sterling". Which corresponds to 2.15pb-1 of data.
Next, look at each run and make sure tpc, eemc, esmd are in the run.
126 runs have the necessary detectors. Refer to this runlist as "silver". It corresponds to 2.15pb-1 of data. (I assume this means runs w/out the TPC were excessively short and/or not accounted in Jamie's luminosity script.)
2.0 Estimate of Yields for pT>8 GeV
Extracted yield = 285.9 +/- 36.1 for 8 < pT < 16 GeV (for events w/ Epost>0 only). At 16% efficiency extrapolates to 1787 +/- 225. Compare w/ 4395 expected from pythia.
Extracted yield with Epost == 0 is estimated at 35 +/- 10 events. Total is 321 +/- 37. Extrapolates to 2006 +/- 231. Compare w/ 4395 expected from pythia.
Conclusion: Difference between projected and achieved yields is not because of poor run QA.
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