ZDC polarimetry using trigger data
- ZDC Data path... QT boards to put the ZDC calorimeter sections + SMD into the data stream.
- StTriggerData2009.h is the concrete implementation of the trigger data structure.
- Quick read of StTriggerData2009.h
- not clear how zdc smd data goes into the object
- it is clear that zdc smd data are inaccessible from the object
- likely the MuDst analysis path won't work at present?
Hi Jason,
There are a couple of places you can get an example of how to read
2009 trigger data from trigger data files.
1. John Nelson has written a sample C program to read 2009 trigger
data. It is here:
2. I also have a trigger reader for the 2009 trigger data that is
being used to monitor the L0 trigger. I copied the code in AFS:
The functionality for decoding QT data which is where the ZDC data
will be this year is not present. However, Akio has implemented
a QT decoder which you can get from CVS and assimilate into your
own code:
As far as accessing the trigger data files, I assume you still
have your account active from the time you worked on L2gamma
on onllinux4.starp.bnl.gov where the files are on /direct/trgdata/
and are named run100*.dat. Otherwise, you will have to ask Jerome
for an account in the onlNN machines where the volume is mounted
on /trg/trgdata.
A few of us were discussing strategies for demonstrating local
polarimetry today. My action item for the day is to find out what is
involved in switching our zdc code from running on the MuDst to running
on the trigger data.
So... Jan tells me you are writing the code which will monitor L1(?)
trigger this year. Could you point me to examples (preferably examples
+ data files) which reads in such data?
Hi Pibero,
Reply from Zhangbu to Hal et al. about ZDC / QT boards, etc...
The mapping of ZDC channels are:
or you can use the access functions in trigger2009.cxx
Yes, ZDC SMD data are available in the trigger data through QT board.
There are functions in the trigger2009 you can start to get familiar.
From: Harold Spinka [mailto:hms@hep.anl.gov]
Sent: Wed 2/11/2009 10:21 PM
To: Xu, Zhangbu
Cc: surrow@mit.edu; jason.webb@valpo.edu; Alice Bridgeman; Harold Spinka; balewski@mit.edu
Subject: ZDC SMD question
Dear Zhangbu,
I have a (hopefully) quick question about the ZDC SMD data
acquisition. Will the ZDC SMD ADC data be in the trigger data, perhaps
through the new QT boards?
We are preparing to quickly analyze the ZDC SMD results for local
polarimetry, and were not aware the data might be available in the trigger
Yes. In the same trigger structure.
The QT VME crate is 9 and the slot number is 20.
For readout structure, please refer to trigger2009.cxx
-----Original Message-----
From: Jan Balewski [mailto:balewski@MIT.EDU]
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 9:17 AM
To: Xu, Zhangbu
Cc: Harold Spinka; surrow@mit.edu; jason.webb@valpo.edu; Alice Bridgeman
Subject: Re: ZDC SMD question
Thanks Zhangbu,
How about ZDC calorimeter: this 3, slanted PMTs ?
Are those also in TRG data block?
- jwebb's blog
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