Archive of embedding output from Birmingham (Part 1 62 GeV Cu+Cu)
NB Mainly notes for self but posting here will enable others to see too.
Cu+Cu 62 GeV strangeness request (P05id)
K0s, Lambda, Xi, Omega + their anti-particles (anti-particle requests not done yet (October 2008) - waiting to fix Bham mysql db mirror after hardware upgrade.
All output files (event.root, MuDst.root, geant.root) for these requests were copied from Birmingham to RCF
These have been archived into HPSS as announced by Lidia in this hypernews posting
Remaining tidying up
- delete from Bham disk
- check whether MuDsts are available at PDSF and copy them there if not
- check location of MuDsts on HPSS at PDSF
- delete from /star/data08 disk
MuDsts are at PDSF in the following directory
du -shc Omega_1*_11*/P05id.SL05d/2005/07*/*.MuDst.root
du -shc Lambda_1*_11*/P05id.SL05d/2005/07*/*.MuDst.root
du -shc K0s_1*_11*/P05id.SL05d/2005/07*/*.MuDst.root
and at PDSF
du -shc Xi*
du -shc Om*
du -shc Lambda*
du -shc K0*
Omega and Xi are 16 GB, K0s is 15 GB and Lambda is 11 GB
Check for them on PDSF HPSS. Not in:
1192816922 - Lambda
1192816923 - Anti-Lambda (To be done)
1192816924 - Xi
1192816925 - Anti-Xi (To be done)
1192816926 - Omega
1192816927 - Anti-Omega (To be done)
1192816928 - Xi0 (To be done)
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