PPV performance pp 500 GeV low luminosity 2009 - Postive Rank
Code is at:
compiled in stardev
Code was run over 670080 low luminosity events. All events were trigger 4 (BBCMB).
MuDsts are at:/star/data05/scratch/balewski/2009-muDst-F10421/10083133/mu
TPC calib & BFC used for this production of F10421
TPC sector alignment: old values (last updated for Run 7)
TPC twist alignment: old values (last updated for Run 8)
BeamLine constraint: preliminary (done with the above alignments, no SpaceCharge+GridLeak)
TPC SpaceCharge+GridLeak: preliminary for pp500
BFC:"pp2009a ITTF BEmcChkStat QAalltrigs btofDat Corr3 OSpaceZ2 OGridLeak3D beamLine -VFMinuit VFPPVnoCTB -dstout -evout"
2)---- PPV vertex filtering. Now there are 3 groups of vertices :
a) multiple match, rank>1e6
b) one track match w/ pT>15, 0<rank<1e6
c) first 5 no match vertices, rank <0
There were only 1177 events with no vertices. (0.18%)
There were 249454 events with no postive ranked vertices. (37.2%)
There were only 14 events where the primary vertex had a rank > 0, but rank <1e6
There were no events where a vertex with a lower order had a higher rank than the primary vertex.
For some reason, I couldn't get any vpd Vz. I will look to see if there is another method. I used:
StMuDst* mMuDst = muDstMaker->muDst();
StMuEvent* mEvent = mMuDst->event();
float vpdVz = mEvent->vpdVz();
I also did not get any events with tracks crossing the TPC CM, which doesn't make sense. I used the command:
Jan confirms that there are no tracks crossing the TPC CM in the log files either. Something isn't right here.
There were 18083 events with a bbc vertex. (2.7%)
Figure 1: Rank of the primary vertex where the following statement was used:
if rank > 1e6
fill(log(rank - 1e6) +10)
if 1e6>rank>0
if rank<0
Figure 2: Rank of first 6 vertices with the same offsets as in Figure 1.
I will now drop all vertices with rank <0.
Figure 3: # of vertices/event with positive rank
Figure 4: Primary vertex z position distribution for rank>0 fit with a gaussian. (Incidentally, with no rank requirement a gaussian fit on [-50,50] yields A = 7440, mu = 1.773 and sigma = 30.3
Figure 5: Primary vertex z position for vertices with rank > 0 in black. Red is the next vertex (->primaryVertex(1)) with postive rank scaled by 30 so that both distributions could be compared.
There are so few vertices past the primary vertex with rank > 0, it doesn't make sense to draw the other vz distributions. I refer to the next vertex on the list as the secondary vertex since we use the word rank to mean two entirely different things. (Maybe we need to use a new word? Order perhaps?)
Figure 6: This the error in the z position of the primary and secondary vertices.
Figure 7: Vz from the bbc. I do not know why it is shifted in Vz. This seems strange given how symmetric the PPV vertices are.
Figure 8: Vz0 - bbc Vz for rank > 0 fit with gaussian. Adding the width of Vz0 and bbcVz in quadrature gives us (28.44^2+14.16^2)^0.5 = 31.7 which agrees with the above fit!
Figure 9: The black curve is Vz0 - bbc Vz for rank > 0. The red curve is Vz - bbc Vz for the closest vertex to the bbc with rank > 0
Figure 10: # of tracks matched to the BEMC for primary and secondary vertices with rank > 0. Black = primary. Red = secondary scaled by 15 to put both on the same graph.
Figure 11: Same as Figure 10 but for the EndCap
Figure 12: # of tracks used to construct vertex for primary and secondary vertices with rank > 0. Black = primary, red = secondary scaled by 15
Figure 13: Refmult associated with the primary and secondary vertex with rank > 0. black = primary, red = secondary x 15
3 concerns:
- why we do not see tracks crossing central membrane & approach beam line
- why only 18K out of 670K events triggerd by BBC have offline BBC vertex
- why do we not see the VPD vertex
- rjreed's blog
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