Single-particle results
These plots were generated from 30 files of 2000 events each, for a total of 60000 kaons. There are 128788 Pixel hits, 181764 Ist hits, and 43606 Ssd hits:
First, here are the integrated efficiencies for each detector, obtained by plotting IsInXxx (for Xxx=Pxl, Ist, or Ssd) for all hits and for hits that were added to tracks, and then dividing the second histogram by the first. Thus, the integrated Pixel efficiency is ~63%, the integrated Ist efficiency is ~54%, and the integrated Ssd Efficiency is ~79%.
Now we can break down the efficiencies by variable and detector. First, by layer/ladder, giving first the efficiencies vs. layer/ladder number for each detector separately, and then the raw distributions:
Efficiency vs. Pt, Eta, Phi, Mass, and Charge (note that these are the MC values, taken from the MC hit associated with the reconstructed hit), obtained by plotting each variable for hits added to tracks and for all hits and then dividing the former by the latter:
Now the raw distributions of these variables. For each variable the distribution for all hits is plotted first (for both detectors), then the distribution for hits added to tracks.
Efficiency vs. number of geant hits on the track in each of the Pxl, Ist, Ssd, and Tpc:
The raw distributions:
Number of geant hits in the Pxl:
Number of geant hits in the Ist:
Number of geant hits in the Ssd:
Number of geant hits in the TPC:
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