EEMC Calibration tips
Random items about EEMC calibration code, etc.
Notes on Calibration Scheme
- has physics background
- has lots of links, perhaps the most useful is
- for run 5 is pretty useful
- Scott's talk at calorimeter workshop is attached.
Some other useful references on particle detectors are the pdg reviews below:
New Instructions!
make a clean directory somewhere
89 /star/data01/pwg/aliceb $ mkdir cal
90 /star/data01/pwg/aliceb $ cd cal/
cp the tar file located at /star/u/aliceb/Calibration/2010-may-18/eemc_calibration.tar and unpack it
/star/data01/pwg/aliceb/cal $ cp /star/u/aliceb/Calibration/2010-may-18/eemc_calibration.tar .
/star/data01/pwg/aliceb/cal $ tar -xvf eemc_calibration.tar
Note: if you have not done so, make a directory for yourself on the valpo disk by mkdir /star/institutions/valpo/<user_name>. Then make a directory there called EEMC_cal with mkdir /star/institutitions/valpo/<user_name>/EEMC_cal
Now, run the perl script
128 /star/data01/pwg/aliceb/cal $
User is aliceb
Your output directory on valpo disk exits!
129 /star/data01/pwg/aliceb/cal $ ls* EEMC_cal@ eemc_calibration.tar lists/ macros@ Sched/ StRoot/
Setup star version SL10c and compile
/star/data01/pwg/aliceb/cal $ starver SL10c
/star/data01/pwg/aliceb/cal $ cons
To submit a bunch of jobs go to Sched directory
Then run the perl script <argument> <iteration>
<argument> can either be an individual run number - valid runs are the lists/ directory, or all for all runs. Iteration will allow you to keep directories separate - start with 0. For example:
138 /star/data01/pwg/aliceb/cal $ cd Sched/
139 /star/data01/pwg/aliceb/cal/Sched $ ls lists/
allRuns.lis R10122083.lis R10135052.lis R10149074.lis R10162022.lis R10172047.lis* R10123051.lis R10136009.lis R10150004.lis R10163004.lis R10172075.lis* R10123084.lis R10136056.lis R10150048.lis R10163046.lis R10173003.lis
query.txt R10124035.lis R10136091.lis R10151014.lis R10164007.lis R10173028.lis
query.txt~ R10124108.lis R10137029.lis R10151033.lis R10164023.lis R10173074.lis
R10112016.lis R10125052.lis R10138003.lis R10151055.lis R10164055.lis R10174008.lis
R10113008.lis R10125074.lis R10138045.lis R10152021.lis R10165005.lis R10174042.lis
R10113053.lis R10125090.lis R10138073.lis R10154059.lis R10165038.lis R10174065.lis
R10114015.lis R10126039.lis R10139032.lis R10154082.lis R10165068.lis R10174091.lis
R10114069.lis R10126062.lis R10139037.lis R10155094.lis R10166010.lis R10175036.lis
R10115015.lis R10127005.lis R10139100.lis R10156021.lis R10166053.lis R10176014.lis
R10115065.lis R10127042.lis R10141007.lis R10156030.lis R10167005.lis R10177005.lis
R10116008.lis R10128040.lis R10142010.lis R10156085.lis R10167046.lis R10177054.lis
R10116029.lis R10128093.lis R10142078.lis R10157013.lis R10169003.lis R10178016.lis
R10116039.lis R10129026.lis R10143004.lis R10157048.lis R10169028.lis R10178054.lis
R10117025.lis R10129046.lis R10143041.lis R10158009.lis R10169063.lis R10179030.lis
R10117084.lis R10130009.lis R10143074.lis R10158041.lis R10170009.lis R10179057.lis
R10120005.lis R10131007.lis R10144019.lis R10158073.lis R10170043.lis R10179083.lis
R10120058.lis R10131027.lis R10144064.lis R10159005.lis R10170073.lis R10180014.lis
R10120077.lis R10131074.lis R10145007.lis R10159038.lis R10170087.lis uniqueRuns.lis
R10120092.lis R10131081.lis R10145068.lis R10160003.lis R10171007.lis
R10121015.lis R10134007.lis R10146010.lis R10160023.lis R10171010.lis
R10121087.lis R10134019.lis R10146068.lis R10160066.lis R10171030.lis
R10122004.lis R10134083.lis R10147123.lis R10161004.lis R10171058.lis
R10122046.lis R10135023.lis R10148065.lis R10162004.lis R10172012.lis
140 /star/data01/pwg/aliceb/cal/Sched $ 10112016 0
You are in directory /star/data01/pwg/aliceb/cal/Sched!
But your parent directory is /star/data01/pwg/aliceb/cal/!
Results will be stored in existing directory ../EEMC_cal/iter-0
Directory contents:
histo log ps table
star-submit-template -template sub.xml -entities 'RUN=10112016,ITER=0,PARENT=/star/data01/pwg/aliceb/cal/'
STAR Template Scheduler 0.1 (/afs/
STAR Scheduler 1.10.1
*** Note: The default directory in which jobs start has be fix to $SCRATCH ***
Your Log file can be found at: /afs/
Reading request description file : schedTemplateExp.xml
Analyzing XML...XML OK
Testing queue (bnl_condor_short@STAR - Local Access Method) ...Done(passed)
Testing queue (BNL_condor_medium@STAR - Local Access Method) ...(passed)
Testing queue (bnl_condor_rcas_long@STAR - Local Access Method) ...(passed)
Dispatching process 95E7E89CE076D566C2E670130A1E03F4_0................. done.
Wrote scheduling report to : /star/data01/pwg/aliceb/cal/Sched/
Reporting statistics... done.
Running UCM logger member...done.
Scheduling successful
You can check that your job is running with condor_q -submitter $USER
/star/data01/pwg/aliceb/cal/Sched $ condor_q -submitter $USER
-- Submitter: : <> :
274921.0 aliceb 6/4 16:02 0+00:00:00 I 10 0.0 sched95E7E89CE076D
1 jobs; 1 idle, 0 running, 0 held
When the job is done the sched<blah>.condor.log will tell you something like "job terminated with normal termination value." You should see R<run_number>.hist.root files in your EEMC_cal/iter-<iter>/histo directory:
ls EEMC_cal/iter-0/histo/
Next step is to move add histograms from multiple files (if needed), redirect their output to different files for each sector and start fitting slopes. You can do all this with: the script, which takes one argument - the iteration you are on
/star/data01/pwg/aliceb/cal $ macros/ 0
when that is all done you should find some pdf files of the filts in your EEMC_cal/iter-<iter>/ps directory and .dat text files in your EEMC_cal/iter-<iter>/tables directory
Let me know if you have problems.
Code Notes
-The library used for pp200 production was SL10c code should probably be run with this library unless we have a good reason not to. To set it up type
starver SL10c
-For various reasons it is important to use data that has status tables made already. A good set of runs to look at for this would be the zdc polarimetry data taken at the beginning of every fill (when those runs included the endcap). You can use the file catalog to query for these runs. Do: -keys 'runnumber' -cond 'eemc=1,library=SL10c,filetype=daq_reco_mudst,storage!~HPSS,filename~st_physics,trgsetupname~zdc_polarimetry,sanity=1'
you could redirect this output to a file called "runs.list" like: -keys 'runnumber' -cond 'eemc=1,library=SL10c,filetype=daq_reco_mudst,storage!~HPSS,filename~st_physics,trgsetupname~zdc_polarimetry,sanity=1' > runs.list
-The code is stored on cvs in StRoot/StEEmcPool/StEzSmdCal/ (needed several mods)
-The bit that does the work on the Mudsts is the maker StRoot/StEEmcPool/StEzSmdCal/StEEsmdCalMaker.cxx which calls other code in that directory.
-The code that makes the histograms is run with StRoot/StEEmcPool/StEzSmdCal/macros/rdEztMuSmdCal.C I had to make quite a few changes to this to get it to run so grab mine:
Code Updates 1 June 2010
I modifed the cvs code to accept more than one trigger ID - it now stores a vector instead of a single integer. You'll need to just copy my entire directory to get the code. This will also get you run lists and some useful scripts for submitting runs. So do:
Updates 2 June 2010
After figuring out the error from doSmdCal.C was because the calbiration from slopes hadn't been done first, I fixed this. Next found that for whatever reason the v plane wasn't fitting anything even though the plots looked just fine. I went into SmdGains.cxx and added a user defined exponential function so we could have control over the initial parameters. This seems to have fixed it. I also cleaned up some memory issues. Then I went back to and modified it so it would do the hadd and then run doSmdCal.C on each plane for each sector. It accepts one input argument - the iteration (which is the same as the input to doSmdCal.C) Now I'm generating lots of plots and getting somewhere. I'm getting the first pass gain file as well. I think next step is to update masks and then run over MuDsts again.
Some questions about code
Q1: Various cut constants are set in rdEztMuSmdCal.C and we to make sure they are correct. What I'm talking about is here:
// MIP cut .........
float thrMipSmdE=0.4/1000.; // was 0.5 MeV for data
// line below added 3/12/2007 - sww
int emptyStripCount=11;
// int emptyStripCount=7;
float offCenter=0.7; // fiducial area of tower =offCenter^2, was 0.8,CuCuwas0.7
float twMipRelEneLow=0.5, twMipRelEneHigh=2.; // was 0.5,1.5
int thrMipPresAdc=12; // thres over pedestal for pre/post (was 12 if no energy cut)
HList=new TObjArray;
int id;
for(id=1;id<=12;id++) {
myMk3=new MuEzSmdCalMaker("mySmdCal","MuDst");
myMk3->setTwCuts(twMipRelEneLow, twMipRelEneHigh,offCenter);
// if(id>=3)
On a side note: wow that's a not so great way to allocate memory.
Q2: Another question, it looks like when we iterate we will be changing the masks and gains in the db by calling something like:
what code makes this file? What is the format?
Partial answer A2: From my reading it looks like plSmdCal.C makes the plots and doSmdCal.C saves a text file for the smd. For other layers it looks like pl<Layer> does both ? Although there is also fitTower.C which writes out to files so I'm not so sure. What is the difference between the gain files written by these two pieces of code?
- aliceb's blog
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