SST run 16 QA

Files from
Combined runs from day 170, 171, 172 (45 run numbers/event.root files)
  • count the <# of hits> per wafer
  • linear fit to find outlier ( > mean + 2*sigma : green dashed line)

note : different behavior for some wafer on a day basis

1) L15W5 day 170,171,172

2) L5W15 day 170 only

3) summary per wafer
The Z-axis reports the mean of the linear fit

4) distribution over all wafers
An average of 2.7 hits for the whole SST can be seen over these 45 runs

5) outliers
There is only 1 wafer (L1W8, shown below) which has 3 outliers
tot runs : 46
 run/histo/val : 3 7 3.175
 run/histo/val : 10 7 3.075
 run/histo/val : 11 7 3.225

note :
  • PXL, IST and SST hits were not included in tracking 
  • need to update MonMaker to save all hits , not only those used in tracking (for # hits SST vs # hits IST)
root4star -b -q 'bfc.C(3000,"DbV20160709 P2016 mtd btof BEmcChkStat PxlHit IstHit SstHit StiHftC NoPxlIT NoIstIT NoSstIT CorrX OSpaceZ2 OGridLeak3D -hitfilt KeepTpcHit",

which result in the following :

QA :INFO  - # TPC hits:          83745: Bad ones (! flag):     26614:   Used in Fit:      55316
QA :INFO  - # PXL hits:          17021: Bad ones(flag >3): 0:   Used in Fit:      0 QA :INFO  - # IST hits:          391:   Bad ones(flag >3): 0:   Used in Fit:      0 QA :INFO  - # SST hits:          164:   Bad ones(flag>3): 0:    Used in Fit:      0
QA :INFO  - # EMC  points:   29: Adc(T/p/E/P)  933/   0/    0/    0: Cls(T/p/E/P)   29/   0/    0/    0
QA :INFO  - # EEMC points:    0: Adc(T/p/E/P)  720/   0/    0/    0: Cls(T/p/E/P)    0/   0/    0/    0
QA :INFO  - # BTof   hits:  367: Matched with tracks:  122
QA :INFO  - *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
StAnalysisMaker:INFO  - *** StAnalysisMaker::Make() == StOK(0) ***
StRtsReaderMaker:INFO  - *** StRtsReaderMaker::Make() == StOK(0) ***
QA :INFO  - QAInfo: Done with Event [no. 1/run 17174001/evt. 465876/Date.Time 20160622.52043/sta 0] Real Time =     103.71 seconds Cpu Time =       93.19 seconds
6) Update (2016-07-18)
104 runs analyzed between day 170 and day 177 : results remain the same more or less
a) summary per wafer
The Z-axis reports the mean of the linear fit

b) distribution over all wafers

Details for all wafers : here
Some wafers show a weird behavior : exampel is L17W2 (page 319) : the <# hits> is decreasing vs the runId. Given the runId traduces the runs taken between day 170 and day 177, it looks like there are less hits through that period of time (?)

c) outliers 
There are only 8 outliers found (all for the same wafers) (recall that it represents ~ 8 entries over 260
tot runs : 104
 run/histo/val : 0 228 3.575
 run/histo/val : 1 228 3.575
 run/histo/val : 2 228 3.625
 run/histo/val : 3 228 3.675
 run/histo/val : 4 228 3.625
 run/histo/val : 5 228 3.625
 run/histo/val : 6 228 3.675
 run/histo/val : 7 228 3.575
--> recall that it represents ~ 8 entries over 260(active wafers)*104 runs, so it's a very small proportion

7) Update (2016-07-20)
All runs (190) analyzed between day 170 and day 177 
a) summary per wafer
The Z-axis reports the mean of the linear fit

b) distribution over all wafers

c) outliers
tot runs : 190
 run/histo/val : 0 228 3.575
 run/histo/val : 1 228 3.575
 run/histo/val : 2 228 3.625
 run/histo/val : 3 228 3.675
 run/histo/val : 4 228 3.625
 run/histo/val : 5 228 3.625
 run/histo/val : 6 228 3.675
 run/histo/val : 7 228 3.575
 run/histo/val : 8 228 3.375
 run/histo/val : 9 228 3.525
 run/histo/val : 112 85 3.775
Details for all wafers in this pdf