fengyich's blog - q2 v2 dependence of the R correlator - October 18., 2019
- PPRP analysis in search for the CME, various datasets - October 9., 2019
- event plane resolution factor in the R correlator - September 27., 2019
- systematic study for isobar data by Jie - September 20., 2019
- Run18 isobar 200GeV data QA, cross check under common cuts - July 23., 2019
- Run18 isobar 200GeV data QA, correlator reproduction - July 9., 2019
- QM2019 abstract : Searching for the chiral magnetic effect using the back-to-back opposite-sign pair observable in STAR - May 30., 2019
- The back-to-back opposite-sign observable in search for the CME, STAR Collaboration meeting 2019 - March 29., 2019
- CME focus meeting 11/13/2018, update to the scaled R variable in AMPT - November 12., 2018
- Bulkcorr 10/31/2018, analysis code, "Merge" two subevents in one event - November 1., 2018
- Bulkcorr 10/31/2018 presentation, by Yicheng Feng - October 30., 2018