Alternative GridLeak calibration

Goal: a more robust GridLeak calibration


gap : residual gap between padrows 13 & 14
L : luminosity
z : distance from the endcap
Dstatic : static, z-independent distortions
GLO : GridLeak luminosity dependence offset from zero
SO : SpaceCharge luminosity dependence offset from zero (possibly the same as GLO)
SC : SpaceCharge luminosity dependence coefficient
GL : SpaceCharge-to-GridLeak coefficient, ρGL0 = GL <ρSC0> (ρGL is assumed to be uniform in a thin sheet across the TPC)
DGL : distortion due to GridLeak
CGL : correction applied for GridLeak (ideally the same as DGL when calibrated)
gGL : conversion coefficient in GridLeak distortion,
g2 : conversion coefficient in GridLeak correction
*used : value of a parameter used when reconstructing data



Thus, when we look at data which has been corrected (and we have to, because the distortion is so large that looking at uncorrected data results in broken tracks due to the GridLeak, not allowing us to easily look at gap via the residuals), we have:

gap(z,L) = Dstatic + DGL - CGL
DGL = gGL z (L - GLO)
CGL = g2 z (L - SO) SC GL

Ideally, SO = GLO. But that is to be determined...

gap(z,L) = Dstatic + gGL z (L - GLO) - g2 z (L - SOused) SCused GLused
gap(z,L) = Dstatic + z [gGL (L - GLO) - g2 (L - SOused) SCused GLused]

We define the slope and intercept in z as gapf and gapi respectively, and we can write the formula for gapf in a few ways:

gap(z,L) = gapi + z gapf
(i) Distortion minus correction gapf(L) = gGL (L - GLO) - g2 (L - SOused) SCusedGLused
(ii) Collected coefficients gapf(L) = g2 [ (gGL/g2) (L - GLO) - (L - SOused) SCusedGLused ]
(iii) Linear in luminosity gapf(L) = [g2 SOused SCusedGLused - gGL GLO] + L [gGL - g2 SCusedGLused]

We disregard the intercept Dstatic, as it involves other possible distortions we don't care about here. We define the slope and intercept of gapf vs. L as LeakS and LeakI respectively:
gapf(L) = LeakI + L * LeakS
LeakI = g2 SOused SCusedGLused - gGL GLO
LeakS = gGL - g2 SCusedGLused

And although I have written gapf as a function of L, when we are looking data for which a correction was applied, it is also a function of SCusedGLused and SOused. We expect gGL to be dependent on the colliding system and the selected luminosity scaler used for L, but g2 should in principle be constant for all (the correction term CGL takes the colliding system and the selected luminosity scaler into account via the SC term).


We seek two conditions:

  1. LeakS → zero (no luminosity dependence for gapf)
  2. LeakI → zero (gapf becomes zero, thus no z dependence for gap)

The old approach: ignore the second condition and instead just use a linear fit of gapf vs. L to find LeakS for each data pass (i.e. each different SCusedGLused), then linearly fit LeakS vs. SCusedGLused to find the zero crossing, i.e. where SC GL = gGL/g2. This approach suffers from the lack of a strong constraint on the intercept of the fit of gapf vs. L: the fits could trade some of the slope for intercept, resulting in only a moderate global consistency across the different passes on the data.

The new approach: fit the data from all passes for three parameters in one shot: g2, (gGL/g2), GLO. The fact that we are using multiple passes of data for a single fit provides additional constraint on the intercept in gapf vs. L, overcoming the weakness of the old approach.

The parameters are chosen such that the first should be a constant within error (something worth testing), the second automatically gives the desired SC GL and associated error without further calculations, and the third should be comparable to SO within errors (also something worth testing).

We define a 3 parameter function of 3 dimensions, analogous to the "Collected coefficients" form (ii) of gapf(L) above:


x = L
y = SCusedGLused
w = SOused


p0 = g2
p1 = gGL/g2
p2 = GLO


fGL(x,y,w) = p0 [ p1 (x-p2) - y (x-w) ]



It is then simply a matter of fitting gapf(L, SCusedGLused, SOused) with fGL(x,y,w).

I have tried it and it works....more to come...
