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TPC Lasers in Run 17
Updated on Wed, 2017-03-22 15:14. Originally created by genevb on 2017-03-22 15:07.
The following block of plots show the z position of TPC hits from laser data during days 74-81 of Run 17. One can see the following features:
The absent laser data has led to failed drift velocity calibration jobs, and a gap in the drift velocity data in the middle of March (visible on the right side of the following plot):
This was discussed at today's TPC meeting.
Here is the shell script I used to generate the plots of z hit positions:
- Lasers lead to peaks at specific z positions.
- The west side (z>0) lasers appear to have more signal than the east side lasers.
- There are numerous runs, particularly from 18075079 through 18079031, where no laser peaks are discernable.
- The laser runs without beam (laser_localclock) are obviated by the lack of collision backgrounds: 18075021 and 18079033.
The absent laser data has led to failed drift velocity calibration jobs, and a gap in the drift velocity data in the middle of March (visible on the right side of the following plot):
This was discussed at today's TPC meeting.
Here is the shell script I used to generate the plots of z hit positions:
set rdir = /star/data10/calib/tpcDriftVelocity/runs cd $rdir set runs = `/bin/ls` cd $owd unset rstr foreach run ($runs) mkdir $run cd $run ln -s ${rdir}/${run}/st*.laser.root . cd .. if ($?rstr) then set rstr = "${rstr},${run}" else set rstr = "$run" endif end @ nruns = $#runs echo $nruns echo $rstr root -l << EOF int runs[${nruns}] = {${rstr}}; gStyle->SetPalette(1);gStyle->SetGridColor(kGray);gStyle->SetOptDate(0);gStyle->SetOptStat(0); TCanvas c1("c1","plots",1500,1000); c1.Divide(5,8); TText aa; aa.SetTextSize(0.18); aa.SetTextColor(4); TChain laser("laser"); for (int i=0; i<${nruns}; i++) { printf("Working on %d\n",runs[i]); laser.Add(Form("%d/st_laser_*.laser.root",runs[i])); c1->cd(i+1); laser.Draw("fHits.xyz.mX3"); aa.DrawTextNDC(0.30,0.7,Form("Run %d",runs[i])); laser.Reset(); } c1->SaveAs("plot.png"); .q EOF
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