Run 17 single diffractive EM jet A_N preliminary request
- Title: Transverse Single-spin Asymmetry for Electromagnetic Jets in Single Diffractive Process in $p^{\uparrow} + p$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=$ 510 GeV
- PAs: Xilin Liang, Kenneth Barish
- PA representative email address:
- Preliminary request slide
- Event selection slide
- Data points
Preliminary figures:
Figure 1: Transverse single spin asymmetry for Single diffractive EM-jet for the 3 cases of photon multiplicity in pp \sqrt{s}=510 GeV
Figure 2: Transverse single spin asymmetry for Rapidity gap event EM-jet for the 3 cases of photon multiplicity in pp \sqrt{s}=510 GeV
Figure 3: Comparison between Transverse single spin asymmetry for inclusive, single diffractive and rapidity gap EM-jet in pp \sqrt{s}=510 GeV
Figure 4: Transverse single spin asymmetry for Single diffractive EM-jet for the 3 cases of photon multiplicity in pp \sqrt{s}=510/ 200 GeV
Figure 5: Transverse single spin asymmetry for Rapidity gap event EM-jet for the 3 cases of photon multiplicity in pp \sqrt{s}=510 / 200 GeV
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