mattheww's blog - Creating a Jet Filter for 2009 - November 16., 2009
- Dijet DNP Talk - October 10., 2009
- A Lot of Dijet plots - October 7., 2009
- 2005 Dijet Cross Section Analysis Note - September 11., 2009
- 2005 Dijet Cross Section Preliminary Presentation - September 9., 2009
- Data Point Location - July 30., 2009
- 2005 Dijet Cross Section Figure - July 29., 2009
- Treatment 2005 Dijet Jet Energy Uncertainty - May 1., 2009
- Crate systematic for 2006 - April 27., 2009
- BEMC/EEMC trig ratio problem - April 21., 2009
- 2006 Calibration Uncertainty - April 9., 2009
- 2009 500GeV Luminosity Calculation - March 31., 2009
- Importance of taking BSMD Pedestals before RHIC ramp - March 20., 2009
- 2006 Jet Energy Scale study - January 5., 2009
- 2005 BTOW QA - November 20., 2008
- JES Presentation for Jet Meeting 27 October 2008 - October 27., 2008
- Hadronization and Underlying Event Correction Factor - October 13., 2008
- 2008 Electron E/p - October 6., 2008
- JP1 & JP2 Turn on efficiency - September 26., 2008
- 2008 Status Tables - September 15., 2008
- Early look at 2008 MIP peak - September 2., 2008
- Data/MC comparison for 2006 Dijet Cross-section - August 14., 2008
- StLuminosityMaker - August 6., 2008
- 2008 BSMD pedestal stability - July 7., 2008
- BEMC 2006 Energy Resolution - July 1., 2008