Endcap Dijet Filter Study

Endcap Dijet Filter Study


I have begun a study on the performance of a pythia filter tuned for dijets which occupy the barrel and endcap. I have used dijet filtering code Matt Walker developed for barrel dijet studies andmodified the parameters to include the endcap. A description of Matt's barrel dijet filter code as well as its performance can be found on his blog page.


I have changed the parameters of the filter so that events with a dijet having the following charactaristics will pass:

Both Jet eta > -1.3 and < 2.3

Delta Phi > 2

Max Pt > 7.0

Min Pt > 4.0

M > 10.0


There are two filters in this study. The first is a pythia filter based on the StMCFilter framework which is called in Geant before tracking has begun. This is where the dijet conditions are imposed. The second filter is a trigger filter called in BFC which determines whether an event could have fired JP1, AJP, or BHT3 triggers. The basic philosophy of this investigation was to disable the filters but allow them to report if an event would pass or fail so that we can monitor the performance of the filters for various pt bins.


 Table 1: This table summarizes the performance of the barrel-endcap dijet filter. The first column lists the pt bins generated. The second column lists how many events were reconstructed in the BFC (50000 where thrown). Columns 3-6 show the number of events with certain trigger conditions out of the events listed in column 2. Column 7 shows the number of events needed to simulate 1pb^-1 for that pt bin.

Pt Bin Events Reconstructed in BFC Events Passing Pythia Filter Events Passing Pythia and Trigger Filter Events Failing Pythia Filter but had Dijets after BFC Events Failing Pythia Filter had Dijets after BFC and Passed Trigger Filter Events Needed for 1pb^(-1)
2-3 49749 1039 331 2 0  8.1*10^9
3-4 49983 3265 26 6 0  1.3*10^9
4-5 49962 6627 112 37 2  3.1*10^8
5-7 49877 13777 461 80 5  1.4*10^8
7-9 49619 28307 2218 196 26  2.3*10^7
9-11 48868 35638 5994 370 64  5.5*10^6
11-15 47509 39150 12897 302 95  2.2*10^6
15-25 47510 44251 44251 360 360  3.9*10^5
25-1000 47501 48718 48718 136 136  1.1*10^4


My code can be found in dir: ~pagebs/diJetAnalysis/filteringAnalysis/