Run 9 200GeV Dijet Cross Section Test

First look at the dijet cross section ...

Here I look at the dijet cross section for events which had an L2JetHigh jet triggered (JP2-JP2, JP2-JP1Lo, JP2-UnJP2). The idea was to find the cross section for the easiest possible case, so I looked only at L2JetHigh triggers in the barrel (-0.8 to 0.8 in eta) correcting using only the Bin-by-Bin correction factor method.


Figure 1: This figure shows the data / simu comparisons for the jet pt spectrum, jet eta spectrum, and dijet mass spectrum.

Further data / simulation plots can be seen here.

Comparisons of the detector level, particle level, and truth level quantities can be seen here.

Figure 2: This figure shows the detector level, truth level, and raw data dijet mass spectra
Figure 3: This figure shows the correction factors (truth level / detector level) which will be applied to the raw data

Figure 4: This figure shows the particle level vs detector level dijet mass (response matrix). The only difference between the plots is the binning

Figure 5: The dijet cross section, data is in black and theory is in red. The data/theory ratio is shown below. Here I have assumed a integrated luminosity of 25 pb^-1. This is the 'best case' matching.


Figure 6: Same as figure 5, but now I use a better guess of the total integrated luminosity of my sample. The value I use is ~17.7 pb^-1.

Figure 7: Same as figure 6, but now an error in the application of the asymmetric pt cut to the theory curve has been fixed.