Kapusta talk at UW

Joe Kapusta gave a nice UW physics colloqium today.  It was mostly an overview of RHIC physics and current theoretical understandings of what appears to be happening in RHIC AuAu collision. 
Near the end he described their attempt to "do the hard work" -- build a full service transport code for rhic collisions.  He described a model where jets & minijets 'leave' the system with a  net-color charge distributed on 2 sheets moving away longitudinally (ala CGC).   The resulting shortlived color field between those sheets provide large qqbar prodution rates (ala Lund string fragmentation ... but not!)  which in turn become the constituents of the resulting hydrodynamic system.   After the talk I thought thru that model and am perplexed.  If the jets/mini-jets (which may indeed be moving ~2x faster than the  bulk media) are merely the vehicle for  color-transport out of the system, how is that consistent with jet-quenching/disappearing away-side jet? 