Code QA for GPC #239

  1. First look, Aug.10 (My working directory is : /star/data01/pwg/tnonaka/GPC/AuAuFixedTarget4_5GeV)
  • Try to reproduce the results of Au+Au collisions at 4.5 GeV according to HOW-TO_CODE_READE.txt.
  •  AuAu4_5.C has been successfully executed with auau4_5.xml. Files with "ftree" created. (without ~/140/)
    • "path~/140/“ is specified in file catalogue in auau4_5.xml, why?
    • Answer from Terry : those runs are for fixed target. The trigger for those specific runs was "fixedTarget2015", which contains only one trigger ID.
    • There are many comment out in AuAu4_5.C due to various careful checks by analyzer. It would be better if sentences that is unnecessary to reproduce the final results can be removed.
  • Next I executed “TTree::MakeClass(“DecodeTree”)”, and copied and pasted codes from MyMuDst.C to DecoeTree.C.
    • "MuDst.h" referred in MyMuDst.C does not exist, so I created it by TTree::MakeClass() 
  • According to the instruction, two binary files are created. However, once I run the command ./strip3, following error occurs.
    fit para loaded 
    NchPion NegEta cuts set
    Refmult NegEta cuts set
    Writing to file AuAu_identified.bin
    This version suppresses electrons and accepts protons
    Begin file 1, nanoAuAu4_5GeV.bin
    Segmentation fault
    • "doFiles.C" is provided by Terry to create "MuDst.h" as well as "MuDst.C". Please modify the instruction accordingly.
    • The cause of the segfault with 'strip3' is a mismatch between your binary file names and what is in 'goodRunsOut.txt'. Edit your goodRunsOut.txt so that it contains the following three lines:


      2. Second look, Aug 14
  • "AuAu4_5.C" is executed for with "path~/140/" in "auau4_5.xml". Around 1.3M events recorded.
    • There does not seem radial vertex cut. Need Vr<2cm??
  • root -b -q doFiles.C (MuDst.C and MuDst.h are created)
  • root -b
    • .L MyMuDst.C
    • .L init_files.C
    • .L write_header.C
    • .L write_track.C
    • MuDst t
    • t.Loop()
  • make strip3.C
  • ./strip3 (finished smoothly)
  • make nudyn_scan.C
  • ./nudyn_scan
    • Segmentation fault at the last of nudyn_scan??
    • Various files are written in precision_eta_1.00. 
      • explanation for each output would be helpful.
      • instructions to construct the final results from those outputs would be also helpful.
pid = 1, Charge = 1, pt = 0.875573, eta = -1.73458, phi = -0.524174
pid = 1, Charge = 1, pt = 0.679972, eta = -1.62954, phi = 2.67871
pid = 1, Charge = 1, pt = 0.216371, eta = -1.80745, phi = 1.63932
Total number of events read = 1089283
38.1667 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
37.7759 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Writing output files
Segmentation fault

  • cat precision_eta_1.00/nudyn.txt
    • The first line corresponds to 0-10% centrality, which is consistent with results in Fig.1 at AuAu Fixed target at 4.5GeV. 
0 -7.929978e-03 1.723183e-04
1 -9.754087e-03 2.142639e-04
2 -1.068086e-02 1.264210e-04
3 -1.102044e-02 4.872828e-04
4 -1.229096e-02 2.408207e-04
5 -1.395607e-02 2.912327e-04
6 -1.450247e-02 3.869929e-04
7 -1.843747e-02 8.382278e-04
8 -2.301952e-02 4.924744e-04
9 -nan -nan
  • Finally, provided codes work smoothly without problems, and also νdyn+- in Fig.1 (AuAu 4.5GeV) have been reproduced.