Intel Xeon Phi


Acronyms to know by heart:

MIC: Many Integrated Core

MPSS:  Manycore Platform Software Stack (driver and tools for configuring and communicating with Xeon Phi processors)

SCIF: Symmetric Communications InterFace (part of MPSS; it abstracts the details of communications between Xeon Phi and either other Xeon Phi or Xeon main CPU over a PCI-Express bus)

Intel IMCI: Initial Many Core Instructions (extensions of the Intel 64 architecture-based vector graphic streaming SIMD instructions for use on MIC/Xeon Phi processors)

OFED: OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution (software stack for Infiniband adapters - since we have no InfiniBand adapters, this isn't relevant)

Loaner 2 notes:

2 x 8 core Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 0 @ 2.70GHz (16 actual cores total, 32 threads with Hyper-threading)
dual Intel Xeon Phi co-processors (details to come once MPSS is installed...)

MPSS downloaded:

in src, rebuild the kernel module rpm, since we are using an updated kernel:

[root@xeon-phi-dev src]# rpmbuild --rebuild intel-mic-kmod-2.1.6720-15.el6.src.rpm

and replace the original:

[root@xeon-phi-dev mpss_gold_update_3]# mv ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/intel-mic-kmod-2.1.6720- ./

[root@xeon-phi-dev mpss_gold_update_3]# yum install --nogpgcheck --noplugins --disablerepo=* *.rpm

micctrl -s indicates both MICs are in 'ready' state, so

[root@xeon-phi-dev mpss_gold_update_3]# "/opt/intel/mic/bin/micflash -update -device all"

no warnings or errors, so reboot.

[root@xeon-phi-dev ~]# /opt/intel/mic/bin/micflash -update -smcbootloader -device all

no warnings or errors, so reboot.

chkconfig mpss on

[root@xeon-phi-dev ~]# /opt/intel/mic/bin/micinfo
MicInfo Utility Log

Created Sat Jul 20 11:21:38 2013

        System Info
                HOST OS                 : Linux
                OS Version              : 2.6.32-358.14.1.el6.x86_64
                Driver Version          : 6720-15
                MPSS Version            : 2.1.6720-15
                Host Physical Memory    : 65943 MB

Device No: 0, Device Name: mic0

                Flash Version            :
                SMC Firmware Version     : 1.15.4830
                SMC Boot Loader Version  : 1.8.4326
                uOS Version              :
                Device Serial Number     : ADKC30101612

                Vendor ID                : 0x8086
                Device ID                : 0x2250
                Subsystem ID             : 0x2500
                Coprocessor Stepping ID  : 3
                PCIe Width               : x16
                PCIe Speed               : 5 GT/s
                PCIe Max payload size    : 256 bytes
                PCIe Max read req size   : 512 bytes
                Coprocessor Model        : 0x01
                Coprocessor Model Ext    : 0x00
                Coprocessor Type         : 0x00
                Coprocessor Family       : 0x0b
                Coprocessor Family Ext   : 0x00
                Coprocessor Stepping     : B1
                Board SKU                : B1PRQ-5110P/5120D
                ECC Mode                 : Enabled
                SMC HW Revision          : Product 225W Passive CS

                Total No of Active Cores : 60
                Voltage                  : 990000 uV
                Frequency                : 1052631 kHz

                Fan Speed Control        : N/A
                Fan RPM                  : N/A
                Fan PWM                  : N/A
                Die Temp                 : 47 C

                GDDR Vendor              : Elpida
                GDDR Version             : 0x1
                GDDR Density             : 2048 Mb
                GDDR Size                : 7936 MB
                GDDR Technology          : GDDR5
                GDDR Speed               : 5.000000 GT/s
                GDDR Frequency           : 2500000 kHz
                GDDR Voltage             : 1501000 uV

(same for mic1)

From the Intel White Paper "System Administration for the Intel® Xeon Phi™ Coprocessor"

"Using the offload programming model, it is not necessary for a user to have an account on the coprocessor in order to run a program. Offloaded programs use a generic user, micuser, when executing on the coprocessor. However, if a user wishes to run a native program (one which starts execution on the coprocessor itself) or an MPI program, they will need to be able to log into the coprocessor itself.
Users will automatically be added to the /etc/passwd file for the coprocessor if they have an entry in the host’s /etc/passwd file, the user authentication method is set to local and their user id falls in the range specified in the /etc/sysconfig/mic/default.conf file. (See “User Access” in Intel® Manycore Platform Software Stack (Intel® MPSS) Boot Configuration Guide.) At the same time, a home directory will be created for them in the disk image used to make the coprocessor’s RAM file system.
In addition to being in the host’s /etc/passwd file, users must have a .ssh directory in their home directory on the host containing valid RSA keys. Users should not set a passphrase when they generate their keys; encryption of this passphrase can cause difficulty in logging onto the coprocessor. When a user’s home directory is created in the disk image for the coprocessor, the .ssh directory is copied over. This is the only thing which is copied from the user’s home directory on the host to the user’s home directory on the coprocessor.
Changes to the host’s /etc/passwd file or the user’s .ssh directory only take effect on the coprocessor after the micctrl --resetconfig command is run and the coprocessor is rebooted.
Users can also be added to the coprocessor’s /etc/passwd file using the micctrl --useradd command. Directions for doing this can be found with the command micctrl --help. If you choose to add users in this way, be sure to create a home directory for them as well, and ensure that their .ssh directory is copied over. The easiest way to do this is to use the --home and --sshkeys options on the micctrl --useradd command. If you choose to add users in this way, be careful – some micctrl options such as --cleanconfig and --configuser can completely remove and rebuild the coprocessor’s /etc/passwd file, causing you to lose users who were added manually.

Users can be explicitly removed using the micctrl --userdel command. Again, be careful since some options to micctrl can remove the coprocessor’s /etc/passwd file and remake it from the host’s /etc/passwd file.
In addition to changing the coprocessor’s /etc/passwd file, you can change its /etc/groups file using micctrl --groupadd and micctrl --groupdel."

MPSS commands of note:

micsmc provides a GUI monitor of the state of the Xeon Phi's (load, memory usage, temperature, log messages, system info).  (It also has a CLI, but haven't tried it.)

micnativeloadex copies a Xeon Phi binary to a coprocessor and executes it.

Intel compiler stuff at BNL:

Side note:
RHEL 6 does not install 32-bit libraries by default in 64-bit versions (unlike RHEL 5).  See for instance:

To automatically install multiple architectures for future package installations, edit /etc/yum.conf, adding "multilib_policy=all"

To get started using Intel(R) Composer XE 2013 Update 2 located in
- Set the environment variables for a terminal window using one of the following
  (replace "intel64" with "ia32" if you are using a 32-bit platform).
     For csh/tcsh:
        $ source /opt/intel/bin/compilervars.csh intel64
     For bash:
        $ source /opt/intel/bin/ intel64
     To invoke the installed compilers:
        For C++: icpc
        For C: icc


icpc -mmic -o hw.mic hw.cpp
/opt/intel/mic/bin/micnativeloadex hw.mic