Jan 9

Yesterday was a V-day.

minor work on tpcgas2 and setup for temporary use for SSD development work in Control Room.

Built latest SKM rpm for SL 5, 64-bit and installed on ssd-upgrade.starp.bnl.gov, and configured user accounts and associations.

One key difference between SL5 and SL 6 version dependencies - SL 5 uses curl and curl-devel, while SL6 uses libcurl and libcurl-devel (simple change in the spec file)

additional clean up in 1006C, brought staruser01 back online.

Took BNL's new alcohol and substance abuse training

shopping for a microphone/speaker unit for use in 1-189.  Asked Rachel to purchase one of these:

configuring ist-ops2 for use in the Control Room (cfengine installation of course takes care of a lot, but still some issues, such as failure to install ganglia and smartd configuration seems to be not working).  Still some work remains - mostly specific to IST, such as seting up user accounts.