QA-1 for run11 Au+Au 200 GeV 2015-07-26


For Dijet analysis using run11 Au+Au 200 GeV data.

Event, TPC tracks and BEMC hits ADC should be studied.

Here event & BEMC ADC are studied.

Previous study by Hui Wang on this data for MinBias trigger can be found at:
Run11_200GeV_refMult.pdf , 4_10_2012_PWGC_evo.pdf , 4_3_2012_PWGC_evo.pdf , 3_20_2012_PWGC_evo.pdf , 1_31_2012_evo.pdf.

Here is the summary table for MB data from Hui Wang:


Run Number

Trigger ID

<RefMult> cut



12126101~ 12138024


> 177 < 185

<RefMult> shows clear luminosity dependence


12138081~ 12145020 (May 18th - 25th)

350003 350013 

> 165 < 185

Warning! <RefMult> shows a dip during this period, further study needed. Try to avoid


12149028~ 12152016


> 177 < 185



12153008~ 12154021


> 177 < 185



12154038~ 12165031


> 177 < 185

Full pile-up protecTon, less luminosity dependence. Base line for centrality determinaTon.


12165037~ 12171016


> 177 < 185

<RefMult> shows increased luminosity dependence


Au+Au 200 GeV run11


NPE_18 (350503, 350513)

Centrality 0-20% from StRefMultCorrr

QA plots:

The dashed red line is the average value. The solid red line is the average value +/- 3*sigma.
When calculate the average & sigma, the bin with zero content is also counted.

The x-axis is ordered by runid. Each point is for one run. The y-axis is identfied by the histogram label and section title.

Event variables:

1. refmult

(All the NPE results shown here is for 0-20% from StRefMultCorr class. For the reference, One plot without centrality cut is listed before
there is less statiscs used in this plot but the trend is the same)
ZDC coincidence rate:

No run out of range.

Corrected refmult from StRefMultCorr

Run number out of 3-sigma range: 


2. Vz

Run number out of 3-sigma range:

int badrun[36] = {12145008,12145009,12145010,12145011,12145012,12145016,12145017,12145018,12145019,12149027,12149043,12149044,12149045,12149046,12149047,12149048,12149049,12149050,12149058,12149059,12149060,12149061,12149062,12150000,12150001,12150002,12150010,12150011,12150012,12150013,12150014,12150015,12150020,12150025,12150026,12154042};

3. Vx

Run number out of 3-sigma range:

4. Vy

Run number out of 3-sigma range:

int badrun[10] = {12132043,12132044,12132045,12136006,12140009,12141040,12141058,12142012,12142045,12158065};

5. Number of Primary Tracks / Number of Global Tracks

No run out of range.

6. Number of TPC tracks matched to BEMC / Number of Primary Tracks

Run number out of 3-sigma range:

int badrun[23] = {12126101,12126103,12126104,12126105,12126106,12126107,12127001,12127003,12127004,12127005,12127006,12127007,12127008,12127018,12127019,12127020,12127021,12127022,12127023,12127029,12127032,12136025,12158052};

7. Number of TPC tracks matched to BEMC / Number of BEMC hitted towers

Run number out of 3-sigma range:

int badrun[7] = {12140050,12140051,12140063,12140065,12141013,12141040,12142012};



8. Sum of all towers ADC vs runindex

Run number out of 3-sigma range:


9. 2-D plot of BEMC ADC vs BEMC tower id

x-axis is the BEMC tower id (total 4800 towers)
y-axis is the BEMC ADC

The NPE 18 trigger ADC is seen as the ADC >~ 200.

10. Follow Kevin Adkins's tight hot tower finding (recursively search for tower has counts > 20% than average after hot one removed, counts for energy > 2GeV hit)

Kevin's note can be found:


The potential hot tower id per run is attached at
The counts vs tower id per run can be found at as pdf files

Nihar R. Sahoo's presentation on hot tower removal

TPC section:

number of bad RDO per run can be found at
The run condition can be found at

c1. section 4 (z>0, -pi/4 <phi<-pi/12) is partial masked out & low voltage for the whole dataset.

c2. section 5 (z>0, -5/12*pi < phi < -pi/4) is partial masked out for 12138080<= runid <= 12139020 

c3. section 6 (z>0, -7/12*pi < phi < -5/12*pi) is partial masked out for 1262006<= runid <= 12171011

c4. section 19 (z<0, -5/12*pi < phi < - pi/4) partially maksed out the WHOLE run & additional RDO masked out for 12138080<=runid<=12139020

c5. section 20 (z<0, -pi/4<ph<-pi/12) is partical masked out for the whole dataset

Plot of per TPC section number of tracks (pT>2GeV/c)/tracks averaged over all sections vs runindex: 
Order Section  1-6

More details about the dip in refmult for run 12138081~ 12145020 (May 18th - 25th) can be found at