mriganka's blog - Data MC Conparison-perugia0 - October 15., 2015
- Data MC Conparison - October 15., 2015
- PYTHIA with different tunes - October 7., 2015
- Fms LED with time - October 5., 2015
- Simulation Update : - October 1., 2015
- Jets in Old(penn state) vs. New (cvs) phton recontruction algorithm over data/Simulations - September 30., 2015
- FMS Simulation Request : - September 25., 2015
- Pytha Filter and Event Estimation - I - September 18., 2015
- Comaprions #towers in events - September 17., 2015
- FSM simulation update - September 10., 2015
- FSM simulation update - August 28., 2015
- Upadate on FMS simulations - August 24., 2015
- Time Dependent Corrections in Simulations : - July 20., 2015
- Collins working directory : - July 20., 2015
- FMS Gains 2011 : - July 15., 2015
- Measurement of the Transverse Single Spin Asymmetries for $\pi^0$ and Electromagnetic Jets at forward rapidities at STAR - June 11., 2015
- 2015 RHIC & AGS Annual Users' Meeting talk - June 9., 2015
- FMS 2011 Simulations : - May 6., 2015
- Photon recontruction in gSTAR - December 10., 2014
- gSTAR simulation for single particles in FMS - October 27., 2014
- Simulations : FMS with PYTHIA - October 21., 2014
- Checking FMS Jets With/without time dependent gain corrections - March 15., 2013
- Jet Energy in different cone radius for quark and gluon initiated jets - October 3., 2010
- Run3(dAu) - Run6(pp) Run8(pp-dAu) HT-2 data comparison and correlation plots - February 18., 2010
- Correction factor in the continum limit : - January 2., 2010