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A Brief Overview of the New Pixel Fast Simulator
Updated on Thu, 2007-11-15 13:32. Originally created by wleight on 2007-11-15 13:24.The new StPixelFastSimMaker imposes the pixel structure on the PXL detector and the strip structure on the IST detector. For each event the simulator loops over StMcPixelHits, determines which p
g-g suppression in Pythia
I'm concerned about an apparent deficit of g-g scattering events in our CDF Tune A Pythia samples. I first noticed this deficit when I was looking at MC asymmetries for pi-minus production, where the difference between asymmetries from g-g and q-g events is extreme. For reference, here is Vogelsang's prediction for the subprocess mixture for inclusive pi0 production:
Compare that to the following plot from Pythia for pi-plus production after combining partonic samples starting at 3_4:
If I add 2_3 GeV the gg contribution at low pT gets a boost, but I'm still seeing ~zero pions from g-g scattering at 8 GeV, where Vogelsang predicts 20% g-g.
Renee suggested skipping the observables and just plotting the event partonic pT. The turnover from gg to qg occurs at 3 GeV ... seems too low to me. On the other hand, the mixture is ~20% g-g at 16 GeV, which seems about right.
One other tidbit for any Pythia tuners out there. When I was running standalone Pythia to get the various partonic xsections for weighting purposes I saw a number of advisory warnings like
Advisory warning: maximum violated by 1.120D+00 in event 625
XSEC(28,1) increased to 5.982D-01
in this case, I was running the 5_7 sample. The initial max value for the q-g xsec was 5.3392D-01, and the final measured xsec was 1.515D-01. Not sure if it's significant.
Update 11-19-2007
I looked into the relationship between charged pion p_{T} and event partonic p_{T} in more detail. Here are plot of charged pion multiplicity and mean pion p_{T} versus event p_{T}:
so g-g events actually produce more charged pions per event, but these pions are all at low p_{T}. The second conclusion is reinforced by the PDF I've linked at the bottom of the page, which shows pion p_{T} spectra split by subprocess for a range of partonic p_{T} bins. The g-g events have a much steeper slope. Those plots are not normalized by the # of events per subprocess, so the conclusion about the number of pions per event is not immediately evident.
Update 11-27-2007
I tried manually rescaling the g-g scattering contribution to the PYTHIA asymmetries; it looks like increasing the g-g by a factor of 5 does a decent job of reproducing the NLO theoretical predictions:
Agreement Between "Polarized" Pythia and NLO pQCD
Updated Charged Pion A_{LL} predictions
Parallel Photon Studies
Updated on Thu, 2007-11-15 11:39. Originally created by rcorliss on 2007-11-15 11:13.In working toward a prompt photon cross section measurement, we are using two analyses in parallel. The first is a two dimensional fit using parameters identified in the earlier OPAL and ZE
Updated look at Electrons in BEMC for 2007
Updated on Mon, 2007-11-19 15:20. Originally created by mattheww on 2007-11-14 14:27.Comparison between Normal and Test Runs (TPC Drift Problems)
Updated on Tue, 2007-11-13 14:19. Originally created by trent on 2007-11-13 14:19.This is my first post to drupal so I will limit it to two graphs
of the multiplicities for nTracks and nPoints for jets, comparing
New polarized gluon distributions in Pythia
Updated on Tue, 2007-11-13 16:19. Originally created by kocolosk on 2007-11-13 11:29.So we now have access to a wide variety of gluon polarization parameterizations in our Pythia afterburner covering the regions between GRSV -std and -max and between GRSV -zero and -min. Dave Staszak documents the details of the new distributions at
Here are plots of the raw charged pion asymmetries obtained from these grids (p070 excluded because of a bug on my part):
I suspect the problem with the pi-minus asymmetries can be traced to a lack of gg contributions. For more information see Agreement Between "Polarized" Pythia and NLO pQCD. In the remainder of this document I'll stick to analyzing pi-plus data.
I've attached multi-page PDF at the bottom of the page. Each page of the PDF plots, for a give input gluon polarization distribution A_{LL}(trigger) - A_{LL}(no trigger) as a function of pion p_T. There are six plots on each page; one for each trigger in (minbias, HT1, HT2, JP1, JP2) and then the raw A_{LL}(no trigger) distribution itself in the bottom right. I believe one way we can obtain a systematic uncertainty from plots such as these is to calculate a double-sided max( delta A_{LL}, uncertainty on triggered A_{LL} ) for each pT bin we use to make our measurement.
One question is which grids are appropriate ones to use for calculating the systematic. GRSV-max has been excluded in other measurements, so I don't think it's appropriate. All other grids are fair game, which means the systematic will likely be derived from GRSV-min and p070 (once I rerun; use p060 for now).
Agreement Between "Polarized" Pythia and NLO pQCD
We're using an afterburner framework that turns Pythia into something like a LO polarized event generator to study any biases introduced by our triggers on A_LL measurements. This page compares the asymmetries generated by Pythia to theoretical predictions from GRSV.
- MC and reco vz positions inside 60 cm
- |eta| of reco primary track < 1.0
- dca of associated global < 1.0
- fit points > 25
- select pions using geant ID 8 (pi-plus) or 9 (pi-minus)
No trigger requirements are imposed.
I combined MC samples 3_4 through 55_65 using the following cross sections and event counts
xsec = {
'3_4' : 1.287, 384593
'4_5' : 3.117*10**-1, 586568
'5_7' : 1.360*10**-1, 380791
'7_9' : 2.305*10**-2, 404272
'9_11' : 5.494*10**-3, 413651
'11_15' : 2.228*10**-3, 418547
'15_25' : 3.895*10**-4, 407427
'25_35' : 1.016*10**-5, 99998
'above_35' : 5.299*10**-7, 119995
'45_55' : 2.830*10**-8, 119995
'55_65' : 1.433*10**-9 119998
First off, here are the asymmetries integrated over all subprocesses. The left column is pi-plus, the right column is pi-minus. The agreement for postive charges seems basically acceptable to me, but pi-minus is off by quite a lot:
If I restrict to g-g, q-g, and q-q subprocesses individually, the difference between the two is obviously in the q-g subprocess contribution (as expected):
It seems to me that the lack of agreement between our Monte Carlo and the theoretical predictions could be due in part to a lack of gg / over-abundance of qg in the subprocess mix. Here are plots of the subprocess mix from Pythia:
compare that to the prediction from Vogelsang et al. for inclusive pi0 production, where gg is the primary contributor until ~3 GeV:
In particular, only the 3_4 GeV partonic sample has more g-g than q-g at any pion p_T. I'm going to try including the 2_3 GeV sample in my studies and see if that bolsters the gg contribution.
Paper proposal : Pion HBT in AuAu@19.6 GeV
Updated on Fri, 2007-11-09 11:58. Originally created by chajecki on 2007-11-07 17:15.Title : Pion HBT in AuAu@19.6 GeV
PAs: Z. Chajecki, M. Lisa
Target Journal: PRC
Efficiency for StGammaPointMaker
Updated on Wed, 2007-11-07 17:04. Originally created by ahoffman on 2007-11-07 17:04.The question of why the pion maker is so inefficient came up this morning in the photon group. I'm posting this to try and shed a little light on where these inefficiencies arise.
Updated on Wed, 2007-11-07 11:12. Originally created by ahoffman on 2007-11-07 10:56.I have been working on developing a point maker to work in conjunction with StGammaMaker. The idea (from my end) was that you would input gamma candidates to the point maker and you would get ou