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Effect of Triggers on Relative Subprocess Contributions
These histograms plot the fraction of reconstructed charged pions in each pion pT bin arising from gg, qg, and qq scattering. I use the following cuts:
- fabs(mcVertexZ()) < 60
- fabs(vertexZ()) < 60
- geantId() == 8 or 9 (charged pions)
- fabs(etaPr()) < 1
- fabs(dcaGl()) < 1
- fitPts() > 25
I analyzed Pythia samples from the P05ih production in partonic pT bins 3_4 through 55_65 (excluded minbias and 2_3). The samples were weighted according to partonic x-sections and numbers of events seen and then combined. StEmcTriggerMaker provided simulations of the HT1 (96201), HT2 (96211), JP1 (96221), and JP2 (96233) triggers. Here are the results. The solid lines are MB and are identical in each plot, while the dashed lines are the yields from events passing a particular software trigger. Each image is linked to a full-resolution copy:
- Imposing an EMC trigger suppresses gg events and enhances qq, particularly for transverse momenta < 6 GeV/c. The effect on qg events changes with pT. The explanation is that the ratio (pion pT / partonic pT) is lower for EMC triggered events than for minimum bias.
- High threshold triggers change the subprocess composition more than low-threshold triggers.
- JP1 is the least-biased trigger according to this metric. There aren't many JP1 triggers in the real data, though, as it was typically prescaled by ~30 during the 2005 pp run. Most of the stats in the real data are in JP2.
Checklist for Run 6 preliminary result
Updated on Thu, 2007-07-12 11:46. Originally created by kocolosk on 2007-06-28 09:07.- QA for BJP0 trigger and runlist generation
- Confirm vertex and nSigma cuts with systematic studies
- Run over new PYTHIA simulation, make basic data/simu comparisons
- Trigger Bias studies
- Extract A_TT from transverse data
- Randomized spin pattern studies
- PID background estimation
- Adding the L2gamma trigger would improve statistics but we don't have an officially sanctioned simulation of that trigger available yet.
- This checklist assumes the preliminary result is an inclusive measurement using only Run 6 data; other possibilities are to combine Runs 5 and 6 or to pursue the jet+pion measurement.
gt test
Updated on Fri, 2007-06-15 00:01. Originally created by dmitry on 2007-06-13 21:24.some text
more text to go
Single-Spin Asymmetries
Here’s a quick summary of various single-spin asymmetry sanity checks (yellow, blue, like-sign, unlike-sign) calculated for both types of charged pions in the Run 6 data.
Every measurement is absolutely consistent with zero, and I don't see a single problematic fill in this list.Cuts Summary
Here's a list of the cuts applied to the data in the common spin trees.
Run 5
Event- standard spinDB requirements
- production triggers only
- 0.2 < detEta < 0.8
- 0.1 < E_neu / E_tot < 0.9
- pt > 2
- -1 < eta < 1
- nFitPoints > 25
- |DCA_global| < 1
- -1 < nSigmaPion < 2
- pt > 3.0
- photon energies > 0.1
- asymmetry < 0.8
- 0.08 < mass < 0.25
- charged track veto
- BBC timebin in {7,8,9}
Run 6
Event- standard spinDB requirements
- production triggers + trigId 5 (L2gamma early runs)
- pt > 2
- -1 < eta < 1
- nFitPoints > 25
- |DCA_global| < 1
- -1 < nSigmaPion < 2
- pt > 5.2
- photon energies > 0.1
- asymmetry < 0.8
- 0.08 < mass < 0.25
- charged track veto
- BBC timebin in {7,8,9} update: timebin 6 added in 2007-07-18 production
- both SMD planes good
- hardware or software trigger in (117001, 137213, 137221, 5, 137222, 137585, 137611, 137622)
- Global dE/dx cut changing with momentum
- nFitPoints >= 15
- nDedxPoints >= 10
- nHits / nPoss >= 0.52
- track Chi2 < 4
- DCAGlobal < 2
- NEtaStrips > 1 && NPhiStrips > 1
- Primary dE/dx cut changing with momentum
- 0.3 < P/E < 1.5
- -0.01287 < PhiDist < 0.01345
- ZDist in [-5.47,1.796] (West) or [-2.706,5.322] (East)
Common Analysis Trees
The Spin PWG maintains a set of trees connecting datasets from the various inclusive measurements in a way that allows for easy particle correlation studies. This page describes how to access the data in those trees.
PDSF: /auto/pdsfdv34/starspin/common/run6/spinTree/
Anywhere: root://deltag5.lns.mit.edu//Volumes/scratch/common/run6/spinTree/spinAnalyses_runnumber.tree.root
The last option uses xrootd to access read-only files stored on an MIT server from any computer with ROOT installed. If you have an Intel Mac note that ROOT versions 5.13.06 - 5.14.00 have a bug (patched in 5.14.00/b) that prevents you from opening xrootd files.
and in the macros directory is an example showing how to configure it. Let's look at the macro step-by-step:
After that, the reader behaves pretty much like a regular TChain. The first time you call GetEntries() will be very slow (few minutes for the full dataset) as that's when the reader chains together the files and applies the TEventList with your trigger selection. Each of the particles is stored in a TClonesArray, and the StJetSkimEvent is accessible via reader->event().
Run 5
These are harmless (somehow related to custom Streamers in the StarClassLibrary) but I haven't yet figured out how to shut them up.
42 runs need to be reprocessed for chargedPions in Run 5. Will do once Andrew gives the OK at PDSF.
40 runs need to be reprocessed for Run 6 because of MuDst problems. Murad has also mentioned some problems with missing statistics in the skimEvents and jet trees that we'll revisit at a later date.
RCF: /star/institutions/mit/common/run6/spinTree/PDSF: /auto/pdsfdv34/starspin/common/run6/spinTree/
Anywhere: root://deltag5.lns.mit.edu//Volumes/scratch/common/run6/spinTree/spinAnalyses_runnumber.tree.root
The last option uses xrootd to access read-only files stored on an MIT server from any computer with ROOT installed. If you have an Intel Mac note that ROOT versions 5.13.06 - 5.14.00 have a bug (patched in 5.14.00/b) that prevents you from opening xrootd files.
Interactive Mode
The basic trees are readable in a simple interactive ROOT session. Each particle type is stored in a separate tree, so you need to use TTree::AddFriend to connect things together before you draw. For example: root [1] TFile::Open("root://deltag5.lns.mit.edu//Volumes/scratch/common/run6/spinTree/spinAnalyses_7156028.tree.root"); root [2] .ls TXNetFile** root://deltag5.lns.mit.edu//Volumes/scratch/common/run6/spinTree/spinAnalyses_7156028.tree.root TXNetFile* root://deltag5.lns.mit.edu//Volumes/scratch/common/run6/spinTree/spinAnalyses_7156028.tree.root KEY: TProcessID ProcessID0;1 00013b6e-72c3-1640-a0e8-e5243780beef KEY: TTree spinTree;1 Spin PWG common analysis tree KEY: TTree ConeJets;1 this can be a friend KEY: TTree ConeJetsEMC;1 this can be a friend KEY: TTree chargedPions;1 this can be a friend KEY: TTree bemcPions;1 this can be a friend root [3] spinTree->AddFriend("ConeJets"); root [4] spinTree->AddFriend("chargedPions"); root [5] spinTree->Draw("chargedPions.fE / ConeJets.fE","chargedPions.fE>0")
If you have the class definitions loaded you can also access member functions directly in the interpreter: root [6] spinTree->Draw("chargedPions.Pt() / ConeJets.Pt()","chargedPions.Pt()>0")
Batch Mode
The StSpinTreeReader class takes care of all the details of setting branch addresses for the various particles behind the scenes. It also allows you to supply a runlist and a set of triggers you're interested in, and it will only read in the events that you care about. The code lives inStRoot/StSpinPool/StSpinTree
and in the macros directory is an example showing how to configure it. Let's look at the macro step-by-step:
//create a new reader StSpinTreeReader *reader = new StSpinTreeReader(); //add some files to analyze, one at a time or in a text file reader->selectDataset("$STAR/StRoot/StSpinPool/StSpinTree/datasets/run6_rcf.dataset"); //reader->selectFile("./spinAnalyses_6119039.tree.root");
Ok, so we created a new reader and told it we'd be using the files from Run 6 stored on RCF. You can also give it specfic filenames if you'd prefer, but there's really no reason to do so. //configure the branches you're interested in (default = true) reader->connectJets = true; reader->connectNeutralJets = false; reader->connectChargedPions = true; reader->connectBemcPions = true; reader->connectEemcPions = false; reader->connectBemcElectrons = false; //optionally filter events by run and trigger //reader->selectRunList("$STAR/StRoot/StSpinPool/StSpinTree/filters/run6_jets.runlist"); reader->selectRun(7143025); //select events that passed hardware OR software trigger for any trigger in list reader->selectTrigger(137221); reader->selectTrigger(137222); reader->selectTrigger(137611); reader->selectTrigger(137622); reader->selectTrigger(5); //we can change the OR to AND by doing reader->requireDidFire = true; reader->requireShouldFire = true;
In this block we configured the reader to pick up the jets, chargedPions and BEMC pi0s from the files. We also told it that we only wanted to analyze run 7132001, and that we only cared about events triggered by BJP1, L2jet, or L2gamma in the second longitudinal running period. Finally, we required that one of those trigIds passed both the hardware and the software triggers.After that, the reader behaves pretty much like a regular TChain. The first time you call GetEntries() will be very slow (few minutes for the full dataset) as that's when the reader chains together the files and applies the TEventList with your trigger selection. Each of the particles is stored in a TClonesArray, and the StJetSkimEvent is accessible via reader->event().
StJetSkimEvent *ev = reader->event(); TClonesArray *jets = reader->jets(); TClonesArray *chargedPions = reader->chargedPions(); TClonesArray *bemcPions = reader->bemcPions(); long entries = reader->GetEntries(); for(int i=0; i
What's Included?
Common trees are produced for both Run 5 and the 2nd longitudinal period of Run 6. Here's what available:Run 5
- skimEvent
- ConeJets
- chargedPions
- bemcPions
- skimEvent
- ConeJets12
- ConeJetsEMC
- chargedPions -- see (Data Collection)
- bemcPions
- bemcElectrons
Known Issues
The first time you read a charged pion (batch or interactive) you may see some messages like Error in <tclass::new>: cannot create object of class StHelix</tclass::new>
These are harmless (somehow related to custom Streamers in the StarClassLibrary) but I haven't yet figured out how to shut them up.
42 runs need to be reprocessed for chargedPions in Run 5. Will do once Andrew gives the OK at PDSF.
40 runs need to be reprocessed for Run 6 because of MuDst problems. Murad has also mentioned some problems with missing statistics in the skimEvents and jet trees that we'll revisit at a later date.
Future Plans
Including EEMC pi0s and StGammaCandidates remains on my TO-DO list. I've also added into StJet a vector of trigger IDs fired by that jet. Of course we also need to get L2 trigger emulation into the skimEvent. As always, if you have questions or problems please feel free to contact me.StarSpinLibraries on OS X
Updated on Thu, 2007-07-19 16:15. Originally created by kocolosk on 2007-05-30 18:27.Update 2007-07-19
StGammaEvent libraries are also available through this same project. After building all targets you can dogSystem->Load("StGammaEvent")
One of the goals of the common Spin PWG analysis trees was that they should be readable without the full STAR framework. The trees are certainly accessible in a plain interactive session, but some of the features are only really available if the class definitions have been loaded. This page shows how to build those class libraries on a Mac with only ROOT installed. Here's what we're going to do:
- Check out the Xcode project. See SVN Repository Access if you don't have a Subversion client installed
- Set up the installation directory for the dynamic libraries and tell ROOT to look there
- Build the dynamic libraries and install them
- Test it out
svn co http://deltag5.lns.mit.edu:8080/svn/StarSpinLibraries
cd StarSpinLibraries
xcodebuild -alltargets
Then you can test it out by opening a ROOT session and doing
What's Included?
You've just installed four dynamic libraries in /usr/local/lib/star. The StarClassLibrary and StMiniMcEvent targets build exact copies of the respective libraries from the StRoot framework. StarSpinAnalyses includes- StJetSkimEvent
- StJet
- StChargedPionTrack
- TPi0Candidate
- StSpinTreeReader
- FastAsymmetryMaker
- StTamuRelLum
These libraries are installed and ready to use on deltag5, provided you modify your .rootrc to look in /usr/local/lib/star (setup.sh does this for you automatically if you're building from scratch). Mike Betancourt was my lone beta tester and while we worked out a handful of glitches, I imagine there are use cases I haven't thought of yet. In particular, the Xcode project assumes ROOT is installed in /sw. You'll need to edit some Project-level settings if that's not the case. Feel free to contact me if you run into any problems.
Basic QA Plots
Select a trigger and charge combination to view QA summary plots. Each point on a plot is a mean value of that quantity for the given run, while the error is sqrt(nentries).
The runs selected are those that passed jet QA, so it's not surprising that things generally look good. Exceptions:
The runs selected are those that passed jet QA, so it's not surprising that things generally look good. Exceptions:
- dE/dx, nSigmaPion, and nHitsFit are all out of whack around day 170. I'll take a closer look to see if I can figure out what went wrong, but it's a small group of runs so in the end I expect to simply drop them.
SVN Repository Access
Updated on Thu, 2007-07-12 12:39. Originally created by kocolosk on 2007-05-25 01:29. We set up a Subversion repository at MIT to track a few pieces of software that many of us are using, but that don't fit into the STAR framework.
Browsing and Checking Out Code
will allow you to browse the contents of the repository. You'll need to have a Subversion client installed in order to check out code. Simplest way on a Mac is to do
fink install svn-client
although there are also binary .pkg installers floating around for most eveery platform if you'd prefer to go that route. Then do
svn co http://deltag5.lns.mit.edu:8080/svn/modulename
Committing Changes
The web server doesn't do any authentication, so if you plan on committing changes to these packages you'll need to be added to the svnusers group on deltag5 and you'll also need to use ssh to get your working copy:
svn co svn+ssh://deltag5.lns.mit.edu/svnrep/modulename
In that case, make sure that your .bashrc on deltag5 adds /usr/local/bin to your $PATH. Note that this method may ask you for your password as much as 4 times, so publickey authentication is your friend (see SSHKeychain for Macs).
For more information on Subversion (basically the successor to CVS) take a look at http://svnbook.red-bean.com/
Browsing and Checking Out Code
http://deltag5.lns.mit.edu/viewvc/will allow you to browse the contents of the repository. You'll need to have a Subversion client installed in order to check out code. Simplest way on a Mac is to do
fink install svn-client
although there are also binary .pkg installers floating around for most eveery platform if you'd prefer to go that route. Then do
svn co http://deltag5.lns.mit.edu:8080/svn/modulename
Committing Changes
The web server doesn't do any authentication, so if you plan on committing changes to these packages you'll need to be added to the svnusers group on deltag5 and you'll also need to use ssh to get your working copy:svn co svn+ssh://deltag5.lns.mit.edu/svnrep/modulename
In that case, make sure that your .bashrc on deltag5 adds /usr/local/bin to your $PATH. Note that this method may ask you for your password as much as 4 times, so publickey authentication is your friend (see SSHKeychain for Macs).
For more information on Subversion (basically the successor to CVS) take a look at http://svnbook.red-bean.com/
Systematic Uncertainty Studies
Updated on Thu, 2007-07-12 12:33. Originally created by kocolosk on 2007-05-20 16:22. In the 2003+2004 jet cross section and A_LL paper we quoted a 5% systematic uncertainty on the absolute BTOW calibration. For the 2005 jet A_LL paper there is some interest in reducing the size of this systematic.
I went back to the electron ntuple used to set the absolute gains and started making some additional plots. Here's an investigation of E_{tower} / p_{track} versus track momentum. I only included tracks passing directly through the center of the tower (R<0.003) where the correction from shower leakage is effectively zero.
Full set of electron cuts (overall momentum acceptance 1.5 < p < 20.):
dedx>3.5 && dedx<4.5 && status==1 && np>25 && adc>2*rms && r<0.003 && id<2401
I forgot to impose a vertex constraint on these posted plots, but when I did require |vz| < 30 the central values didn't really move at all.
Here are the individual slices in track momentum used to obtain the points on that plot:
Electrons with momentum up to 20 GeV were accepted in the original sample, but there are only ~300 of them above 6 GeV and the distribution is actually rather ugly. Integrating over the full momentum range yields a E/p measurement of 0.9978 +- 0.0023, but as you can see the contributions from invididual momentum slices scatter around 1.0 by as much as 4.5%
Next Steps? -- I'm thinking of slicing versus eta and maybe R (distance from center of tower).
I went back to the electron ntuple used to set the absolute gains and started making some additional plots. Here's an investigation of E_{tower} / p_{track} versus track momentum. I only included tracks passing directly through the center of the tower (R<0.003) where the correction from shower leakage is effectively zero.
Full set of electron cuts (overall momentum acceptance 1.5 < p < 20.):
dedx>3.5 && dedx<4.5 && status==1 && np>25 && adc>2*rms && r<0.003 && id<2401
I forgot to impose a vertex constraint on these posted plots, but when I did require |vz| < 30 the central values didn't really move at all.
Here are the individual slices in track momentum used to obtain the points on that plot:
Electrons with momentum up to 20 GeV were accepted in the original sample, but there are only ~300 of them above 6 GeV and the distribution is actually rather ugly. Integrating over the full momentum range yields a E/p measurement of 0.9978 +- 0.0023, but as you can see the contributions from invididual momentum slices scatter around 1.0 by as much as 4.5%
Next Steps? -- I'm thinking of slicing versus eta and maybe R (distance from center of tower).