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Kaon HBT at FXT paper draft and analysis note


The Spin-spin correlation study in HIC

This page collects information related to the spin-spin correlation studies. 

Note: Investigating System Size Dependence of Nuclei and Hypernuclei Production using Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr collisions at 200 GeV


Directed Flow of (Anti-)Deuteron in Au+Au collision at 9.2GeV&11.5GeV


Directed Flow of (Anti-)Deuteron in Au+Au collision at 9.2GeV&11.5GeV


Addressing difference in dE/dx observed for 19GeV_2019 using MySQL and CINT tables.


CodeQA for psn0840 flow-decorrelation in CME

 Code QA slides for psn0840


K*0 BES-II preliminary plots


Exploring the Exotic 5Be Nucleus in heavy-ion collisions