videbaks's blog - upgrades for HF in star - November 10., 2012
- HFT upgrade talk - November 8., 2012
- Star installation - October 23., 2012
- MTD instalation pictures - October 4., 2012
- Pictures from assembly of IDS, lifting and insertion - October 3., 2012
- STAR Inner Detector Support pictures Sept 2012 - September 17., 2012
- contribution to NN2012 - August 27., 2012
- HFT OPA talks - July 16., 2012
- star council statement -- Don Koekte - July 15., 2012
- HFT overview status and near term plans - July 1., 2012
- updated NN2012 talk - May 25., 2012
- talk at San Antonio NN2012 - May 23., 2012
- Radiation info from CDF - March 5., 2012
- Updated software presemtation - December 10., 2011
- council meeting notes - November 25., 2011
- WSC in clean room - October 18., 2011
- pictures from star rool out - September 21., 2011
- presentation from council meeting - March 21., 2011
- HFT electrostatic calculations - March 9., 2011
- HFT electrostatic calculations - March 9., 2011
- new LHC atlas result - November 25., 2010
- new LHC atlas result - November 25., 2010
- Star council- HU presentation - November 21., 2010
- HFT CDR version 18 - August 19., 2009
- TPC upgrade talk - May 30., 2009