S1,S2 - "signal" yields for 2 spins states (helicity) "1", "2" , S1+S2=S
B1,B2 - "background" yields for 2 spins states "1", "2" , B1+B2=B
N1=S1+B1; N2=S2+B2; N1+N2=N=S+B - "raw" yields measured in real experiment
ALraw=(N1-N2)/(N1+N2)= (S1-S2)/(S+B); V(ALraw)= 4*N1*N2/N3
I used capital & small letters to distinguish this two experiments.
Problem: find statistical error of 'signal' asymmetry:
ALsig= (S1-S2)/S
Model predictions of A_L for W+, W- , used files:
rb800.w+pola_grsv00_2.root, rb800.w-pola_grsv00_2.root, rb800.w+unp_ct5m.root rb800.w-unp_ct5m.root
Brown oval shows approximate coverage of IST+FGT
Red diamond shows region with max A_L and ... little yield.
From Brian, e/h algo ver 2.4, LT=800/pb.
This version uses only tower seed in bin 6-11, this is main reason efficiency is of 40%.
I'll assume in further calculation the W-reco efficiency is of 70%, flat in lepton PT>20 GeV.
Left: W-yield black=input, green - after cut 15.
Right: ratio. h->Smooth() was used for some histos.
PT=20.6 sum1= 1223 PT=25.6 sum1= 1251 sum2= 473 att=1/2.6 PT=30.6 sum1= 987 sum2= 406 att=1/2.4 PT=35.6 sum1= 771 sum2= 343 att=1/2.2 PT=40.6 sum1= 372 sum2= 166 att=1/2.2 PT=45.6 sum1= 74 sum2= 16 att=1/4.6
From Brian, e/h algo ver 2.4, LT=800/pb. h->Smooth() was used for some histos.
This version uses only tower seed in bin 6-11
Left: QCD-yield black=input, green - after cut 15.
Right: ratio= QCD attenuation, not the a;go gets ~3x 'weaker' at PT =[34-37] GeV , exactly where we need it the most
PT averaged attenuation of QCD events
PT=20.6 sum1=2122517 PT=25.6 sum1=528917 sum2=3992 att=1/133 PT=30.6 sum1=135252 sum2= 736 att=1/184 PT=35.6 sum1= 38226 sum2= 320 att=1/120 PT=40.6 sum1= 11292 sum2= 127 att=1/89 PT=45.6 sum1= 3153 sum2= 41 att=1/77
From Brian. h->Smooth() was used for some histos.
Left: final yield of QCD events (blue) and W-events (green) after e/h algo.
Right: ratio.
I'll assume w=b/s is better than the red line, a continuous ET dependence:
PT=25.6 sum1= 3992 sum2= 473 att=1/8.4 PT=30.6 sum1= 736 sum2= 406 att=1/1.8 PT=35.6 sum1= 320 sum2= 343 att=1/0.9 PT=40.6 sum1= 127 sum2= 166 att=1/0.8 PT=45.6 sum1= 41 sum2= 16 att=1/2.5