Beam Polarizations

The beam polarization of the proton beams is measured with a set of polarimeters at IP12.
Carbon polarimeters: fast measurement several times during a RHIC fill, two devices per beam
Hydron jet polarimeter: absolute polarization measurement with a polarized atomic hydrogen jet, for normalization of carbon devices

Detailed information on polarimetry and results are available from the RHIC spin webpage:

Summary of results for the experiments:


 Details for the 2005 RHIC run (Run 5)

CDEV Monitoring

(Archived into Drupal from MIT servers in August 2008. Original analysis by Julie Millane and Bernd Surrow.)

Data files

  1. Yellow and Blue FY05 CNI measurements
  2. Yellow and Blue Average X-asymmetry and polarization (flattop)
  3. Yellow and Blue FY05 CNI measurements reduced
  4. Yellow and Blue FY05 CNI measurements complete

Selection Criteria

  1. time after 4/1/05
  2. RHIC P bit > 0
  3. Polarization error is calculated using both err asym and err x.  This differs from the plots which only use err x and assume that err asym = 0.
  4. The files contain the complete information starting from fill 6848. Info for fills 7263 and 7264 is missing.

Data file format


Fill#, Time (CNI), Days (Days since 01/01/04) using Time (CNI), Time (CDEV), Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Seconds, X90, err. X90, X45, err. X45, X, err. X, Y, err. Y, A (Analyzing power), err. A, P (Polarization), err. P, Energy (RHIC beam energy), RHIC P bit (RHIC CNI polarization status), CNI bit (RHIC CNI polarimeter status word)


Fill#, X, err. X, P (Polarization), err. P


Fill#,x90,err-x90,x45,err-x45,x,err-x,ana,anae,beam energy,month,day,year,hour,minute,second, polarization, err-Polarization


timestamp, RunID, Fill#, x90, err x90, x45, err x45, x , err x, y, err y, analyzing powers, err analyzing powers, beam energy, cni starttimes, statuss, statusstrings, raw cni_starttimes, starttimes (slightly different from before), polarization, polarization error, date, time, check

Check:  99 - ok, != 99, not ok, not found in other data files


Polarization as a function of time

X-asymmetry as a function of time

X-asymmetry (flattop/injection)

Ratio of flattop/injection

Yellow X-asym time dependence for a given fill

Blue X-asym time dependence for a given fill

Yellow Polarization time dependence for a given fill

Blue Polarization time dependence for a given fill

Fill dependence

Analyzing Power

Analyzing power as function of time


 Details for the 2006 RHIC run (Run 6)

CDEV Monitoring

(Archived into Drupal from MIT servers in August 2008. Original analysis by Julie Millane and Bernd Surrow.)

Data Files

  • Yellow and Blue FY06 average flattop measurements for a fill
  • Yellow and Blue FY06 CNI measurements summary files


polarization as a function of time: February/March: Yellow Blue April: Yellow Blue May: Yellow Blue

X-asymmetry as a function of time: February/March: Yellow Blue April: Yellow Blue May: Yellow Blue June: Yellow Blue

Yellow/Blue X-asymmetry (flattop/injection):

Yellow X-asym time dependence for a given fill

Blue X-asym time dependence for a given fill Yellow Polarization time dependence for a given fill Blue Polarization time dependence for a given fill

Yellow/Blue Fill dependence


Yellow Blue analyzing power

Analyzing power as function of time Yellow Blue

File Format

The linked data files include the following information.

  • yellow_summary.dat and blue_summary.dat

    month, day, year, hour, minute, second,fill,runid,timestamp,x , errx,pol, errpol, energy, statusA, statusB,x90, errx90, x45, errx45,y, erry, ana, errana,cni_time, raw_time,starttime,stoptime,flagA

    flagA: 99 - ok, != 99, not ok, not found in other dat files

  • yellow_fill_average.dat and blue_fill_average.dat

    runid, x, errx, polarization, err polarization

Selection Criteria

  • time after 1/1/06
  • RHIC P bit > 0.
  • Polarization error is calculated using both err asym and err x. This differs from the plots which only use err x and assume that err asym = 0.
  • The files contain the complete information starting from fill 7497.

Error Codes

  • 0: x==0
  • 6: runid<6800
  • 7: error x > 5 || errorx < 0
  • 8: fabs(x) > 15
  • 10: ana<5 || ana>20
  • 12: energy<0 || energy > 250
  • 14: fabs(statusA) > 100 && statusB!=26
  • 19: errana < 0
  • 20: fabs(pol) > 75
  • 22: month < 2 || year!=6

Status Codes

The statusB number refers to the following lines

  • 0: OK
  • 1: Running...
  • 2: Starting...
  • 3: EAD0 ETarg
  • 4: W-WFD unreliable
  • 5: Reading DATA...
  • 6: Err limit switch
  • 7: E-Serious WFD error
  • 8: Err moving in beam
  • 9: W-Cancelled
  • 10: WCan WWFD EWFD
  • 11: WCan WWFD
  • 12: E-Target control error
  • 13: 1UE
  • 14: W-Internal warning, see logfile
  • 15: Finishing...
  • 16: Reading Data...
  • 17: WInt ETarg
  • 18: Run parameters unaccessible
  • 19: WInt WCan ETarg
  • 20: W-Internal warning, see logfile
  • 21: E-Camac access error
  • 22: E-Configuration file error
  • 23: WWFD WCNTS
  • 24: W-CNTS small internal counts inconsistency
  • 25: E-Severe internal error, see logfile
  • 26: WWFD ETarg
  • 99: default

Error Calculation

The error calculation for the tables is