CDEV Monitoring
(Archived into Drupal from MIT servers in August 2008. Original analysis by Julie Millane and Bernd Surrow.)
Data Files
- Yellow and Blue FY06 average flattop measurements for a fill
- Yellow and Blue FY06 CNI measurements summary files
polarization as a function of time: February/March: Yellow Blue April: Yellow Blue May: Yellow Blue ![](/STAR/system/files/yellow_1.jpg)
X-asymmetry as a function of time: February/March: Yellow Blue April: Yellow Blue May: Yellow Blue June: Yellow Blue ![](/STAR/system/files/yellow_2.jpg)
Yellow/Blue X-asymmetry (flattop/injection): ![](/STAR/system/files/yellow_3.jpg)
Yellow X-asym time dependence for a given fill ![](/STAR/system/files/yellow_6_a.jpg)
Blue X-asym time dependence for a given fill
Yellow Polarization time dependence for a given fill
Blue Polarization time dependence for a given fill
Yellow/Blue Fill dependence ![](/STAR/system/files/yellow_5.jpg)
Yellow Blue analyzing power
Analyzing power as function of time Yellow Blue
File Format
The linked data files include the following information.
- yellow_summary.dat and blue_summary.dat
month, day, year, hour, minute, second,fill,runid,timestamp,x , errx,pol, errpol, energy, statusA, statusB,x90, errx90, x45, errx45,y, erry, ana, errana,cni_time, raw_time,starttime,stoptime,flagA
flagA: 99 - ok, != 99, not ok, not found in other dat files
- yellow_fill_average.dat and blue_fill_average.dat
runid, x, errx, polarization, err polarization
Selection Criteria
- time after 1/1/06
- RHIC P bit > 0.
- Polarization error is calculated using both err asym and err x. This differs from the plots which only use err x and assume that err asym = 0.
- The files contain the complete information starting from fill 7497.
Error Codes
- 0: x==0
- 6: runid<6800
- 7: error x > 5 || errorx < 0
- 8: fabs(x) > 15
- 10: ana<5 || ana>20
- 12: energy<0 || energy > 250
- 14: fabs(statusA) > 100 && statusB!=26
- 19: errana < 0
- 20: fabs(pol) > 75
- 22: month < 2 || year!=6
Status Codes
The statusB number refers to the following lines
- 0: OK
- 1: Running...
- 2: Starting...
- 3: EAD0 ETarg
- 4: W-WFD unreliable
- 5: Reading DATA...
- 6: Err limit switch
- 7: E-Serious WFD error
- 8: Err moving in beam
- 9: W-Cancelled
- 10: WCan WWFD EWFD
- 11: WCan WWFD
- 12: E-Target control error
- 13: 1UE
- 14: W-Internal warning, see logfile
- 15: Finishing...
- 16: Reading Data...
- 17: WInt ETarg
- 18: Run parameters unaccessible
- 19: WInt WCan ETarg
- 20: W-Internal warning, see logfile
- 21: E-Camac access error
- 22: E-Configuration file error
- 24: W-CNTS small internal counts inconsistency
- 25: E-Severe internal error, see logfile
- 26: WWFD ETarg
- 99: default
Error Calculation
The error calculation for the tables is