EEMC Pedestals and Status Tables for Run 9

Run 9 EEMC Pedestals and Status Tables

Abstract:  To produce pedestals and status tables for ETOW, ESMD, and EPRS based on zdc_polarimeter (EmcCheck) runs taken at the beginning of each fill with calorimeters only.  This year the raw adc spectra were retrieved from the .daq files on HPSS using the DAQ_READER instead of waiting for these runs to be produced.

Runlist:  200 GeV


1) Retrieve .daq files from HPSS and use Matt Walker's version of the DAQ_READER to make 2D spectra of all EEMC components (code located at /star/u/stevens4/daqReader/ ).  Output is hist.root file with 6 ETOW histograms and 48 ESMD/EPRS histograms, one for each crate.

2) Using mapping from DB create 1D histograms for each EEMC channel softID from the 2D histograms generated by the DAQ_READER (macro: /star/u/stevens4/ped09/fromDAQ/plDAQ2Ped.C).  Ouput is hist.root file with 720 ETOW and 9072 ESMD/EPRS  histograms.

3) Fit 1D histograms produced by plDAQ2Ped.C to get pedestal value for each channel (macro: /star/u/stevens4/ped09/offline/fitAdc4Ped.C) .  Output is fit.hist.root file with fitted 1D histograms for every channel and a ped.sectorXX with pedestal values for each channel in that sector which can be uploaded to the DB.

4) Compute status for each channel and generate status table for each sector (macro: /star/u/stevens4/ped09/offline/pedStat.C).

The current set of status bits for EEMC (usage:  #define EEMCSTAT_* )
ONLPED    0x0001 // only pedestal visible
STKBT        0x0002 // sticky lower bits
HOTHT       0x0004 // masked for HT trigger
HOTJP        0x0008 // masked for JP trigger
HIGPED      0x0010 // high chan, seems to work
HOTSTR     0x0020 // hot esmd strip
JUMPED     0x0040 // jumpy ped over few chan
WIDPED      0x0080 // wide ped sigma


Known problems put in status tables "by hand":

Problem Fills effected (based on zdc run at beginning of fill)
Crate 6 problem configuring 10157048-10169028 (not all of crate 6 for all fills)
SMD Sectors 12 and 1 bad spectra 10139100, 10142078-10146010

 Note:  We also had problems with counts below pedestal in the ESMD/EPRS due to "extra accepts" in the triggering.  These problems are not included in the status tables because it is thought that these problems won't show up in the produced data, but we will have to wait and see.