Figure 1: Reconstructed photon candidate pt, pt_gamma (no cut on pt_gamma, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Figure 2: Partonic pt distribution (pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Figure 3: Estimate of the contribution from low partonic pt,
only QCD-TuneA MC are shown (pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Black line: Exponential fit to partonic pt distribution in 4-7GeV range
(pt_gamma>7GeV cut for the photon candidate)
Red line: Exponential fit extrapolated to the partonic pt range below 4GeV.
Ratio of the area under the red line (integral pt=0-4geV)
to the area under the green line (integral pt=4-35GeV) is 0.0028.
I would propose we drop both of the lowest parton pt bins,
i.e. pt=2-3 and pt=3-4 (Inherited error for pt_gamma>7GeV < 0.3%)
and instead use our CPU time to produce more
statistics in the 4-35 partonic pt range.
There is a small difference between CDF-Tune-A and
Perugia0 tunes partonic pt distributions
even for the prompt photon Monte-Carlo.