06 Calibrations

 Notes on callibrations of various relevant STAR  detectors for 3 years will be discussed below.


year 2009  fill: 10407 -10536
year 2011  fill: 15426-15472
year 2012  fill: 16582-16735



01 RHIC polarization

 The master DB web interface is:


The CVS tables can be obtained by selecting “user (cvs)” format from the Table format  or directly from 

Summary of beam polarization for ppLong for last 3 years. 

For W AL measurement the relative FOM= (P1+P2)^2*L  are as follows

2012: FOM=92

2011: FOM=12

2009 : FOM=7

Fig 1.

Fig 2. yield of reco Ws (top) and diagram of polarization decay for both rings, vs. GMT time.

Several approximations were made while displaying offline RHIC pol values taken from the official web page, using: t0, avrP, P0, tau for each beam and each fill.

  1. shown are only fills in which STAR Ws were found
  2. each fill is set to last for 7 hours unless the next fill starts
  3. black trapezoids use P0+Tau*(t-t0)
  4. magenta lines show avrP
  5. the red line fit is made to bins with trapezoid, so it is equivalent to NOT weighted average - I do it just for x-check.