Spin PWG Meetings 2011

  • Dec 1st, 2011 12-1:30 EST
    • Update on Run scheduling
    • Call for volunteer to work on spin PWG drupal page
    • Status of reproduction of 2009 FF, RFF for 200 and 500
    • AOB
  • Nov 2nd, 2011 -12-1:30 EST
    • Collaboration Meeting :  agenda has been posted, please provide feedback
    • Upcoming Conferences :  Lake Louise and Moriond
    • 2012 Running - 22 weeks is the best case scenario
    • 2012 Trigger Proposal
  • Oct 20th, 2011 -12-1:30 EST
    • Collaboration Meeting :  please respond to our email about talks and register for the meeting
    • Run 11 pp production
      • Requested priorities for transverse running approved by Xin and Jerome
      • Production monitoring page
    • Please comment on two remaining DNP talks:
    • Run 12
      • Cool down postponed until January 17th
      • Length of run unclear 11 weeks or 23 weeks
      • Discussion of transverse vs longitudinal for 5 weeks of 200  this year
  • Oct 6th, 2011 -12-1:30 EST
    • Collaboration Meeting dates set : Nov 14-19th, Details to come
    • Discussion of simulations in Prompt Photon Analysis in FMS - Len
  • Sept 29th, 2011 -12-1:30 EST
    • Collaboration meeting at LBL
      • please send email with planned attendence
      • Joint sessions with UPC/pp2pp and JetCorr
    • Status of 2009 L2 Algos -  all in CVS thanks to Pibero
    • Update on Photon Analysis in FMS - Len
  • Sept 8th, 2011 - 11:00-12:30 EST
    • Update of timeline for STAR roll out, roll in and cool down
    • Discussion of needs for spinDb analysis for longitudinal 2011 pp data
    • Discussion of proposal to require analysis notes for preliminary result approval
  • July 6, 2011 - 11:00-12:30 EST
    • Discussion of Transverse vs Longitudinal for Run 12 and associated L2 aglorithms
    • Request for Preliminary for Collins Analysis (Rob)
    • Update on IFF Analysis (Anselm)
  • June 30, 2011 - 11:00-12:30 EST
    • Reminder - submit DNP Abstracts by tomorrow July 1st and DIS 2011 proceedings TODAY!
    • DSPIN'11 Conference  - need volunteer to give spin talk
    • Reminder - closing discussion of Prompt Photon Mid-Rapidity Analysis this week
    • Discussion of L2 algo implementation in future Runs (Will) 
    • Status of Spin Run QA (Anselm)
  • June 16, 2011 - 12:00-13:30 EST
    • Proposal :  Move spin meetings to Thursday 11am - 1pm
    • Discussion of PAC Meeting and STAR, FGT, Decadal plan talks.
  • May 5, 2011 - 12:00-13:30 EST
    • RSC Talk - Qinghua
    • DIscussion of BUR for 2012-2013 - link to Carl's updated trigger rates based on Accelerator input
      • 2012 (26 cryo-week)
        1. 1-wk Cool down
        2. 3-wk Set-up, Ramp-up, data-taking AuAu 27 GeV
        3. 5-wk Set-up, data-taking UU 193 GeV
        4. 2.5 wk Set-up polarized pp 500 GeV
        5. 1 wk FGT Commissioning
        6. 2 wk mid-rapidity triggers + FGT Commissioning
        7. 10 wk all triggers for W + gluon running
        8. 1 wk  data taking pp2pp
        9. 0.5 wk cool down
      • 2013 (26 cryo-week)
        1. 1-wk Cool down
        2. 2.5 wk Setup polarized pp 500 GeV
        3. 10-? wk pp 200 long/trans or 500 GeV (A_N Forward Gamma Projection?)
        4. 1-wk switch to AuAu 200 GeV
        5. 6-wk  HFT engineering run
        6. 1-wk switch to pA/dA
        7. ?-wk run pA/dA?
        8. 0.5 wk cooldown
      • Set Date for 1st Production QA of 2011 pp runs
      • Eta Paper Proposal
  • April 14, 2011 - 12:00-13:30 EST
    • Run-11 Status and discussion about timescale for switch to AuAu
    • Discussion of BUR for 2012-2013
    • Tally of invitation for parallel talks at PANIC
    • 2009 Inclusive Photon Update - Mike
  • February 24, 2011 - 12:00-13:30 EST
  • February 10, 2011 - 12:00-13:30 EST
    • Run-11
    • STAR analysis meeting March 14-18, 2011 (parallel sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday afternoon)
    • PANIC 2 invited parallel talks, abstracts due (STAR) February 15, (conference) March 1
    • AOB
  • January 27, 2011 - 12:00-13:30 EST
    • Run-11:
    • Analysis:
    • Talks etc:
      • dijet talk at WWND (Feb 6-13) - Matt
      • W talk at WWND (Feb 6-13) - Ross
      • volunteer for GPH workshop - All
    • STAR Analysis meeting at BNL, March 14-18
    • AOB


  • January 13, 2011 - 12:00-13:30 EST
    • Run-11
    • Analysis topics:
    • Conferences:
      • DIS: 3 talks proposed by organizers, aim for 3 or 4?
      • PANIC abstract deadline will shift to March 1
    • AOB
  • January 6, 2011 - 12:00-13:30 EST
    • Happy New Year!
    • Analysis topics:
      • FTPC embedding request - Jim, Renee et al
      • W embedding request:
        • QA W+(link 12) and W- (link 12) - Justin
        • status - Renee
        • further inputs - all
      • BSMD calibration, status - Willie, Jan
      • Pileup study, subtraction - Joe
      • Relative luminosity (continued, look at Lum_Mon_3.ppt) - Hal
    • Conferences, abstracts, etc:
      • Winter Workshop, February 6-13 in Winter Park, CO - talks due to PWG by January 23
        • Ross's abstract on W
        • Matt's abstract on dijets
      • Lake Louise Winter Institute, February 20-26 in LL, Canada - open
      • (Moriond, March 20-27 at La Thuille, Italy - waiting for organizers)
      • DIS, April 11-14 at JLab - convenors to be contacted over the next ~1-2 weeks
      • APS, April 30-May 3 in Anaheim CA - abstract deadline January 14 (conference)
      • Pan Pacific Spin, June 20-24 in Cairns Australia -
      • PANIC, July 24-29 at MIT - abstract deadline February 1 (conference)
    • Run-11
    • Subgroups: FMS, jets, other