Single helicity asymmetries: A_L
W-bosons (2013)
W -> e+nu
sqrt(s)=510 GeV
E_T = 25.0 - 50.0 GeV
<eta_e+> <eta_e->
-1.24 -1.27
-0.71 -0.74
-0.24 -0.27
0.25 0.26
0.72 0.74
1.24 1.27
Double helicity asymmetries: A_LL
Notes regarding jet asymmetries:
(1) All jet measurements use the anti-kT algorithm, with R=0.6 for 200 GeV collisions and R=0.5 for 510 GeV collisions.
(2) All dijet measurements use asymmetric minimum jet pT requirements with pT>8 GeV/c for one jet and pT>6 GeV/c for the other jet.
Dijets with endcap (2009)
sqrt(s)=200 GeV
1. -0.8 < eta1 < 0.8; 0.8 < eta2 < 1.8 (full barrel - endcap)
2. -0.8 < eta1 < 0.0; 0.8 < eta2 < 1.8 (east barrel - endcap)
3. 0.0 < eta1 < 0.8; 0.8 < eta2 < 1.8 (west barrel - endcap)
4. 0.8 < eta1 < 1.8; 0.8 < eta2 < 1.8 (endcap - endcap)
mass bin <mass_corrected> (GeV/c^2)
top.1 top.2 top.3 top.4
16.0-19.0 18.50 18.44 18.51 18.50
19.0-23.0 21.90 22.11 21.78 21.70
23.0-28.0 26.31 26.58 26.02 26.31
28.0-34.0 31.68 32.21 30.79 31.74
34.0-41.0 38.24 38.35 37.96 38.88
41.0-58.0 47.68 48.01 46.43 n/a
58.0-82.0 65.46 65.73 62.82 n/a
Jets (2012/2013)
sqrt(s)=510 GeV
|eta| = 0.9
p_T <p_T> (GeV/c)
7.3 - 8.5 8.71
8.5 - 10.0 10.19
10.0 - 11.7 11.81
11.7 - 13.7 13.79
13.7 - 16.0 16.25
16.0 - 18.7 18.78
18.7 - 21.9 21.86
21.9 - 25.6 25.47
25.6 - 30.0 29.72
30.0 - 35.1 34.71
35.1 - 41.1 40.52
41.1 - 48.0 47.28
48.0 - 56.2 55.13
Dijets (2012)
sqrt(s)=510 GeV
jet eta ranges:
forward 0.3 < eta < 0.9
middle -0.3 < eta < 0.3
backward -0.9 < eta < -0.3
m_inv range <m_corrected> (GeV/c^2)
full fw-fw fw-mid fw-bw mid-mid
12.0 - 14.0 15.98 16.07 15.99 15.76 n/a
14.0 - 17.0 18.80 18.65 18.60 19.80 19.32
17.0 - 20.0 21.56 21.24 21.60 21.85 21.62
20.0 - 24.0 25.83 25.77 25.84 25.91 25.75
24.0 - 29.0 30.99 30.84 31.15 30.53 31.48
29.0 - 34.0 36.92 36.87 36.95 36.98 36.77
34.0 - 41.0 43.78 43.61 43.82 43.64 44.15
41.0 - 49.0 52.45 52.12 52.48 52.62 52.40
49.0 - 59.0 62.57 62.44 62.63 62.40 62.85
59.0 - 70.0 74.99 74.76 74.75 75.07 75.97
70.0 - 84.0 88.94 88.50 88.83 88.83 90.11
84.0 - 101.0 106.88 105.22 107.31 106.22 108.66
101.0 - 121.0 126.80 124.31 126.34 127.33 129.19
121.0 - 145.0 149.86 150.84 149.44 151.14 n/a
Dijets (2013)
sqrt(s)=510 GeV
jet eta ranges:
forward 0.0 < eta < 0.9
backward -0.9 < eta < 0.0
m_inv range <m_corrected> (GeV/c^2)
full fw-bw fw-fw/bw-bw
14.0 - 17.0 19.77 19.68 19.93
17.0 - 20.0 22.89 22.85 22.95
20.0 - 24.0 26.85 26.80 26.91
24.0 - 29.0 32.03 31.92 32.14
29.0 - 34.0 37.61 37.49 37.32
34.0 - 41.0 44.38 44.33 44.43
41.0 - 49.0 52.68 52.46 52.86
49.0 - 59.0 62.97 62.86 63.06
59.0 - 70.0 75.10 75.13 75.09
70.0 - 84.0 88.78 88.89 88.71
84.0 - 101.0 106.34 106.30 106.36
101.0 - 121.0 127.04 126.28 127.41
Forward pions (2012/13)
sqrt(s)=510 GeV
eta range E (GeV) pT (GeV/c) <pT> (GeV/c) <eta> <E>
2.65 - 3.15 30.0 - 70.0 thr. - 4.35 3.91 2.92 36.8
2.65 - 3.15 30.0 - 70.0 4.35 - 5.15 4.73 2.88 42.7
2.65 - 3.15 30.0 - 70.0 5.15 - 6.15 5.62 2.87 49.9
2.65 - 3.15 30.0 - 70.0 6.15 - 9.80 7.08 2.80 58.6
3.15 - 3.90 30.0 - 100.0 thr. - 2.95 2.50 3.49 41.2
3.15 - 3.90 30.0 - 100.0 2.95 - 3.70 3.33 3.44 52.7
3.15 - 3.90 30.0 - 100.0 3.70 - 4.60 4.11 3.42 63.8
3.15 - 3.90 30.0 - 100.0 4.60 - 8.60 5.37 3.38 79.2