SRM instructions for bulk file transfer to PDSF

These links describe how to do bulk file transfers from RCF to PDSF.

How to run the transfers

The first step is to figure out what files you want to transfer and make some file lists for SRM transfers:

At PDSF make subdirectories ~/xfer ~/hrm_g1 ~/hrm_g1/lists

Copy from ~hjort/xfer the files, and Catalog.xml into your xfer directory.
You will need to contact to get Catalog.xml because it has administrative privileges in it.

Substitute your username for each "hjort" in

Then in your xfer directory run the script (in redhat8):

pdsfgrid1 88%
Usage: [production] [trgsetupname] [magscale]
e.g., P04ij ppMinBias FullField
pdsfgrid1 89%

Note that trgsetupname and magscale are optional. This script may take a while depending on what you specify. If all goes well you'll get some files created in your hrm_g1/lists directory. A brief description of the files the script created:

*.cmd: Commands to transfer files from RCF disks
*.srmcmd: Commands to transfer files from RCF HPSS

in lists:

*.txt: File list for transfers from RCF disks
*.rndm: Same as *.txt but randomized in order
*.srm: File list for transfer from RCF HPSS

Next you need to get your cert installed in the grid-mapfiles at PDSF and at RCF. At PDSF you do it in NIM. Pull up your personal info and find the "Grid Certificates" tab. Look at mine to see the form of what you need to enter there. For RCF go here:

Also, you'll need to copy a file of mine into your directory:

cp ~hjort/hrm_g1/pdsfgrid1.rc ~/hrm_g1/pdsfgrid1.rc

That's the configuration file for the HRM running on pdsfgrid1. When you've got that done you can try to move some files by executing one of the srm-copy.linux commands found in the .cmd or .srmcmd file.

Monitoring transfers

You can tell if transfers are working from the messages in your terminal window.

You can monitor the transfer rate on the pdsfgrid1 ganglia page on the “bytes_in” plot. However, it’s also good to verify that rrs is entering the files into the file catalog as they are sunk into HPSS. This can be done with

pdsfgrid1 172% -as Admin -keys 'filename' -limit 0 –cond 'production=P06ic' | wc -l
pdsfgrid1 173%

A more specific set of conditions will of course result in a faster query. Note that the “-as Admin” part is required if you run this in the hrm_g1 subdirectory due to the Catalog.xml file. If you don't use it you will query the PDSF mirror of the BNL file catalog instead of the PDSF file catalog.

Running the HRM servers at PDSF

I suggest creating your own subdirectory ~/hrm_g1 similar to ~hjort/hrm_g1. Then copy from my directory to yours the following files:





Catalog.xml (coordinate permissions w/me)

Substitute your username for “hjort” in these files and then start the HRM by doing “source hrm”. Note that you need to run in redhat8 and your .chos file is ignored on grid nodes so you need to chos to redhat8 manually. If successful you should see the following 5 tasks running:

pdsfgrid1 149% ps -u hjort


8395 pts/1 00:00:00 nameserv

8399 pts/1 00:00:00 trm.linux

8411 pts/1 00:00:00 drmServer.linux

8461 pts/1 00:00:00 rrs.linux

8591 pts/1 00:00:00 java

pdsfgrid1 150%

Note that the “hrm” script doesn’t always work depending on the state things are in but it should always work if the 5 tasks shown above are all killed first.

Running the HRM servers at RCF

I suggest creating your own subdirectory ~/hrm_grid similar to ~hjort/hrm_grid. Then copy from my directory to yours the following files:



drmServer.linux (create the link)

trm.linux (create the link)

Substitute your username for “hjort” in these files and then start the HRM by doing “source hrm”. If successful you should see the following 3 tasks running:

[stargrid03] ~/hrm_grid/> ps -u hjort


13608 pts/1 00:00:00 nameserv

13611 pts/1 00:00:00 trm.linux

13622 pts/1 00:00:01 drmServer.linux

[stargrid03] ~/hrm_grid/>