GPC Paper Review - pp Elastic Scattering at 510 GeV

  Measurement of Elastic Cross Section in Proton--Proton Collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 510$~GeV with the STAR Detector at RHIC

PAs: Bogdan Pawlik, Wlodek Guryn, Leszek Adamczyk, Mariusz Przybycien, Rafal Sikora

Target Journal: Physics Letters B




Analysis Note

Added section on z-vertex efficiency in V1

In V3 updated tables in the Appendix, also Fig. 21 updated.

V4 has been updated for consistency as discussed in the GPC

V5 has been [extesively] updated based on the GPC comments

V7 has collinearity cut included in efficiency corrections
V7-1 Has updated Fig. 43, including caption, changed symbols for syst. uncertainties, Fig. 45b changed symbols for syst. uncertainties and new caption and added HPSS info

V8 title and Abstract updated after submission to PLB

CVS Software Repository

Here is the path:  


GPC Review

 Below are two presentation to the GPC.

The GPC discussion can be found on the email server


 HEPDATA can be found here


Journal Review

 Here is the material form the PLB review 

1. Nov. 7 replies and draft changes

2. Dec. 12 GPC review of responses to the referee and paper update V2.

3. Feb. 27, updated manuscript V3 and replies to the second set of  comments from the referee.

4. March 9 updated V3 and Reviewer 2 comments after GPC review

5. March 18 revised version submission PLB-D-23-01455_R2.pdf

Paper Draft

Short description of changes
  1. In V1 Fig. 6 was added
  2. In V2 Fig. 6 and 7 reduced in size 
  3. in V3 comments from the PWG review included and Figures updated, based on the latest analysis results
  4. In V4 coorections were made to be consitent with latest AN
  5. V5 version with updets based on comments from the GPC about Analysis note an the paper V4
  6. V6 version includes comments from GPC and an additional figure, now Fig. 8
  7. V7 with comments from the GPC
  8. V8 with comments from GPC
  9. V9 comments from GPC and more systematic effects calculated. Table with data points include
  10. V10 efficiency includes collinearity cut
  11. V11 includes comments on V10 and V9
  12. V12 addresses Will's comments and change of the symbol of the syst. uncertainty in Fig 6 and 9 and corresponding captions.
  13. V13 addresses comments from Inst. review
  14. V14 addresses GPC comments to responses to inst. review

Paper Proposal Review



Paper Proposal Material

Bogdan Pawlik Presentation  March 30, 2019

Wlodek Guryn LFSUPC Paper Proposal presentation Jan. 4 2021

LFSUPC Review - Paper Proposal Presentation


PWGC Review


Preliminary Plots

 This page has preliminary plots from V12 of the paper draft approved by the GPC

Published Paper Material


Replies to Collaboration Review Comments


Supporting Material