STAR Images

Here are some images from the STAR detector and collaboration.


Pixel related images

End view of pixel detector mockup




Photos of visit to LBNL metrology lab


Zeiss machine 1


Zeiss machine 2

probe stands for Zeiss machine 

SketchUp STAR

SketchUp STAR

3D models of the STAR detector, the RHIC accelerator complex, a prototype of an event display for the STAR experiment in SketchUp


Tai Sakuma


I drew the STAR detector and the RHIC accelerator complex in SketchUp. Also, I built a prototype of an event display for the STAR experiment by using SketchUp Ruby API. This page shows image files generated in this project.


The STAR detector


A cross sectional view of the STAR detector. This figure was used in Phys. Rev. D 86, 032006 (2012) (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.032006 )


The same 3D model as in the previous figure but in perspective. This figure has been often used in presentations at scientific meetings.




The RHIC accelerator complex


STAR detector subsystems


The Beam-Beam Counters (BBC)


The Barrel Electromagnetic Calorimeter (BEMC)


A BEMC Module


The geometry of the calorimeter towers in a BEMC module


The Time Projection Chamber (TPC)


The solenoidal magnet subsystem


Jet η and detector η


Jet η and detector η


Jets at three levels

The following three figures illustrate jets defined at the three different levels. These figures have been used several times in scientific meetings, e.g., the slide 4 of a presentation at APS 2010 .


A high-pT back-to-back dijet event at the detector level. The solid trajectories indicate TPC track measurements while the lego blocks indicate energy deposited in the BEMC towers.


A high-pT back-to-back dijet event at the hadron level


A high-pT back-to-back dijet event at the parton level


Jet Patch Trigger


The locations of the twelve jet patches of the BJP1 trigger in Run 6. The size of a jet patch is 1.0x1.0 in the η-φ coordinate system. Each jet patch contains 400 BEMC towers. This figure was used in Phys. Rev. D 86, 032006 (2012) (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.032006 )


Event Display

I developed a prototype of an event display for the STAR experiment using the SketchUp Ruby API. This prototype was used in jet analyses, in particular, in establishing a jet definition and determining background events.


Two snapshots showing a prototype of an event display for the STAR experiment