Experts on call

The experts on call for software related run support are:

Role Name Primary phone Office Phone Other
Oflline QA + FastOffline production Jerome Lauret (631) 786-0479 (631) 344-2450  
Gene Van Buren (631) 312-4324 (631) 344-7953 (631) 775-6620
Online QA, PPlots Paul Sorensen (510) 375-5582 (631) 344-2420  
David Kettler (206) 218-3885 (206) 616-8141  
Hardware support, online tools
Wayne Betts (631) 804-6897 (631) 344-3285  
Database Micheal DePhillips (631) 356-2257 (631) 344-2499 (631) 744-3295

When multiple choices are available, the name in bold indicates the current on-call expert. Please, consult this page prior to calling the expert.