Candidates Statement: Hank Crawford
I would like to serve as chairman of the STAR council to help the council expedite its business crisply in a collegial atmosphere characterized by mutual respect. Among the issues I consider needing attention are a rewrite of the bylaws to eliminate ambiguous language and to close the current loophole in the election procedure for our spokesman. I personally advocate collaboration-wide election of the spokesman and would urge the council to adopt this procedure in the future, just as our junior members are elected by the junior members of STAR.
The current bylaws stipulate that "any member unable to attend a given meeting can name a substitute representing the same institution", yet our council meetings are typically attended by only 30 representatives of the more than 50 members. I would encourage each member to make certain his or her views are represented at each meeting. I would ask that a secretary be appointed to make sure that minutes are available to the whole collaboration promptly. I would ask that the council encourage presentation to the council by any member of STAR on any topic of general interest to the collaboration. The STAR council should take a proactive role in addressing work-load related and other concerns that are slowing our progress in understanding and disseminating our data. Finally, I would continue and improve our policy of encouraging younger members to take leadership roles in all aspects of the STAR experiment.
Dear Fellow STAR Council Members: Initially, I did not plan to run for Deputy Council Chair. However, after I was asked to do so, I thought about it and agreed to be considered.
The Council is the governing body of the Collaboration. But the Council has only a limited ability to respond to issues promptly. Thus, most decisions are made by STAR Management with input from the Advisory Board, the Physics Working Group Convenors, etc. On the whole, this has worked extremely well, as evidenced by the very productive STAR physics program over the past several years.
However, in any organization as large as STAR, conflicts are bound to occur - and they have. At those times, the Council becomes very important, both as a rule-making body and as a quasi-judicial organization. If elected as Deputy Council Chair, my primary goals for the next four years will be (a) to work together with STAR Management, other Council members, and the Collaboration as a whole to identify and -- hopefully -- resolve potential problem areas before they boil over and become issues for the Council, and (b) to work with the Council to resolve those that remain in a fair and impartial manner.
Beyond that, I believe the next four years will be a challenging time for STAR. We have a broad spectrum of upgrade plans on the table that are essential to maintain the productivity and competitiveness of STAR in the LHC era, but the funds for upgrade R&D and construction are woefully inadequate for the task. Furthermore, when the LHC turns on a number of groups are likely to redirect some or all of their efforts away from STAR. Addressing these challenges will require detailed planning and prioritizing within STAR, as well as advocacy for STAR and RHIC in the broader community. If elected, I will work to ensure that the Council has a significant role in these activities that are certain to have a major impact on the long-term health of the Collaboration.
Candidate Statement - Huan Zhong Huang
I will do my best to serve as a deputy council chair if elected. I believe these principles strongly and have greatly benefited by working with people who adhere to these principles from my previous experiences in experiments E864 and E896:
Candidate Statement- Jay Marx
The STAR Council is the governing body of the Collaboration and as such it plays important roles in supporting the Collaboration's efforts to do the best science possible.
In addition to electing the Spokesperson of the Collaboration, voting on membership requests of institutions who wish to join the collaboration, setting publications policy, and dealing with a host of issues involving the institutions in STAR, the Council can and should play an active part in assuring that
the Collaboration is well supported by the funding agencies, by Brookhaven Lab and by the institutions that make up the Collaboration.
The chair of the STAR Council plays a vital part in these activities. In addition to organizing effective Council meetings, the chair can support the Collaboration by working with the Spokesperson in the political arena, by keeping the Council active in ways that are constructive and by working with the Spokesperson to assure that the Council supports and doesn't impede the Spokesperson's efforts on behalf of the Collaboration.
I believe that STAR benefits most from having a Council chair who is fully aware and experienced with the sociological issues that impact large collaborations, who is politically effective and who is someone who will be listened to by the funding agencies, the Brookhaven management and the leaders of the institutions within the Collaboration.
There are many members of the Collaboration who meet these criteria and I'm pleased that a significant number of them are willing to put in the time and effort needed to effectively chair the Council.
In my own case, I believe that I would bring a significant amount of experience and good judgment to the position. After serving the Collaboration as Project Director during the construction of the experiment, I became a Deputy Spokesperson and then served as the first chair of the Council. I have many years of experience and success dealing with the DOE, NSF and I am well known and, I believe, trusted by Brookhaven management and the institutional leaders within STAR.
If chosen as Council chair I will devote my efforts to assuring that the Council best serves the needs and the goals of the Collaboration. I will energetically supporting the interests of the Collaboration as we seek to continue our strong record of scientific publication, secure funding in a timely way for our upgrades and look ahead to the longer term possibilities at RHIC II and/or the EIC.
I am honored to be nominated as a candidate for STAR Council chairperson. I have been the Council representative from Indiana University for 3 years and a member of STAR for over 7. In this time I have come to see that, while the Council is not active in managing STAR on a day to day basis, it is nevertheless the key body in governing STAR. In particular, it decides the membership of STAR, the rules by which it is governed and chooses the leadership that does deal with the day to day details of managing and leading our success.
The latter is highlighted by the upcoming Spokesperson election. The Chair of the Council sets the agenda and runs the meetings, can call special meetings, nominates committees and sits on the Advisory Board. Thus the Chair becomes an important position in setting the tone for the functioning of the Council. If elected, I would be respectful of the time the Council devotes to the meetings in creating the agenda and running the meetings, while being proactive in making sure topics of concern to the group are addressed at the meetings. I view the election of our leaders as the most important function of the Council. As Council Chair I would work to ensure that these elections are collegial, fair and competitive events. I look forward to the bright future of the STAR collaboration and the small part I could play with this opportunity to be of service.