We will review our timetable and project milestones, deliverables and work ahead from both side.
The current contract and payment to BNL needs to be settled.
1. Transport update, results - Todd
2. Particle production in DPE in run 9 - Yury
3. Pedestal cuts - Kin
4. Other - all
EVO: Title: STAR Management Meeting // Community: STAR // Password: star
EVO bridge has been reserved:
Description: pp2pp weekly
Community: Universe
Password: WeeklyElastic
We are done with the thin PIXEL production.
Jan is not able to come but he posted QA plots on single
track and L_C between CDR and CD1 productions (things look
1. Analysis update - Andrew
2. Analysis update - Kin
3. Update - Donika
4. Update - Ivan
5. Other - all
EVO bridge has been reserved:
Description: pp2pp weekly
Community: Universe
Password: WeeklyElastic
Discussion of STAR in the time of meRHIC and eRHIC
The bi-monthly face to face will be at BNL March 10,11.
The venue is the Atlas video conference room 2-84.
Booked on EVO Information:
1. Analysis tasks and plan for presentation at the collab meeting - Wlodek + all
2. Analysis - Kin
3. Analysis update - Andrew