* Status at BNL
* Calibration status
* Offline status
EVO: Title: STAR Management Meeting // Community: <
1) I made a short presentation at the S&C meeting yesterday:
eSTAR phone meeting:
Presentation by Ming Shao, from USTC.
EVO: Title: STAR Management Meeting // Community: STAR
STAR collaboration meeting at LBNL
STAR collaboration meeting at LBNL
STAR collaboration meeting at LBNL
STAR collaboration meeting at LBNL
STAR collaboration meeting at LBNL
eSTAR phone meeting (one day before Thanksgiving):
EVO: Title: STAR Management Meeting // Community: STAR
1) Today's meeting is to primarily discuss HFT geometry
updates. There are several things that are either brewing
or possible and we need to move on this. By Friday I will