EVO: Title: STAR Management Weekly Meeting // Community: STAR // Password: star<
a) The long persisting bug of Z-split in alignment is resolved. Some minor issues are remaining at ~10micron level plus usage of TRS in simulations.
2012 Dec 17 (Monday) 11:30-12:30 (EST) 1-187 at BNL or SeeVogh,
agenda available:
Wedensday, Dec. 19, 10 a.m. EST in 1-189 in Physics
1. Status and plan from ODU.
We will focus this meeting on PXL Offline needs/priorities and Offline migration to STAR in general.
3) AOB
Wedensday, Jan. 9, 10 a.m. EST in 1-189 in Physics
Since we cannot have an open discussion about every little detail the agenda items will be more general, detailed discussions need to happen in smaller groups.