STAR Collaboration Meeting at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
STAR Collaboration Meeting at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1) Xin, Flemming and I had a first pass on the task-list for Software; immediate
tasks and Run14 readiness trying to address at the same time the manpower
1) Alignment challenge…with Blind Test on Simulation and Real Data. By around noon
1. Alignment - Bogdan, Igor?
2. Beam position in 2009 data - Leszek
Charges for the p+p / p+A letter of intent
Here are some activities that I am aware of, people can decide whether they want to put
a couple of slides summarizing them.
1. ANN, ASS paper status and plans, discussion - Igor, Dima + all
2. Elastic Scattering update - Rafal
1) Flemming/Jonathan have some Geometry updates (slides)