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Thursday June 26, 2014
Start: 2014-06-26 12:30
End: 2014-06-26 13:30

1) STAR jet capability draft (Helen)
2) run status and shut-down plan (Bill)
3) EMC jet trigger noise issue (Renee)
4) changes to acknowledgement

Friday June 27, 2014
Start: 2014-06-27 14:30


1) CD4 KPP 

        - embedding/simulation progress and QA

        - DCA resolutions

Monday June 30, 2014
Start: 2014-06-30 14:00
End: 2014-06-30 16:00
Wednesday July 02, 2014
Start: 2014-07-02 10:00
End: 2014-07-02 12:00
Start: 2014-07-02 10:30
End: 2014-07-02 12:00
Thursday July 03, 2014
Start: 2014-07-03 10:50
End: 2014-07-03 13:00

Start: 2014-07-03 15:00
End: 2014-07-03 16:00
Friday July 04, 2014
Start: 2014-07-04 14:30
Monday July 07, 2014
Start: 2014-07-07 14:00
End: 2014-07-07 16:00
Tuesday July 08, 2014
Start: 2014-07-08 11:00
End: 2014-07-08 12:30

  --- PWGC Agenda  July 8, 2014 ---

Wednesday July 09, 2014
Start: 2014-07-09 10:00
End: 2014-07-09 12:00


Start: 2014-07-09 10:30
End: 2014-07-09 12:00
Thursday July 10, 2014
Start: 2014-07-10 10:50
End: 2014-07-10 13:00
Start: 2014-07-10 11:00
End: 2014-07-10 12:00

1. DX - D0 chamber status  Sumanta/Wlodek

2. Schedule update - Wlodek

3. Teams: trigger, Si commissioning, monitoring - All

Start: 2014-07-10 15:00
End: 2014-07-10 16:00
Friday July 11, 2014
Start: 2014-07-11 14:30


Monday July 14, 2014
Start: 2014-07-14 14:00
End: 2014-07-14 16:00
Wednesday July 16, 2014
Start: 2014-07-16 10:30
End: 2014-07-16 12:00


Thursday July 17, 2014
Start: 2014-07-17 10:50
End: 2014-07-17 13:00
Start: 2014-07-17 10:50
End: 2014-07-17 13:00

1) FMS pre-shower status and plan (Oleg Eyster)

2) HFT pre-CD4 review planning status (Flemming) 

Start: 2014-07-17 15:00
End: 2014-07-17 16:00
Friday July 18, 2014
Start: 2014-07-18 10:00
End: 2014-07-18 12:00


Start: 2014-07-18 14:30


  1. There is progress in Sti geometry etc. Xin can bring the group uptodate on several related items (verbal ok)
Monday July 21, 2014
Start: 2014-07-21 14:00
End: 2014-07-21 16:00
Tuesday July 22, 2014
Start: 2014-07-22 11:00
End: 2014-07-22 12:30

 --- PWGC Agenda  July 22, 2014 ---

Wednesday July 23, 2014
Start: 2014-07-23 10:30
End: 2014-07-23 12:00


Thursday July 24, 2014
Start: 2014-07-24 10:50
End: 2014-07-24 13:00
Start: 2014-07-24 10:50
End: 2014-07-24 13:00

1) Roman Pot Upgrade status report (Wlodek) 

Start: 2014-07-24 11:15
End: 2014-07-24 12:15
Note this meeting starts at 11:15

1. DX - D0 update - Sumanta

Start: 2014-07-24 13:00

 The dry runs will be held over two days:
 Thursday and Friday Connection will be by phone bridge
Tlaks will not nesc be given in order

Friday July 25, 2014
Start: 2014-07-25 10:00
End: 2014-07-25 12:00


Start: 2014-07-25 14:30

- Homework from yesterday's dry run  - Flemming/Xin/Yifei

- StiSsd status   - Jonathan

- HFT-TPC matching with new TPC T0/alignment - Mustafa