1. CEP in run 15 - Rafal
1) run14 production
D0 signal for PR
2) run15 status
--- Editorial Board Agenda April 14, 2015 ---
1) run14 production
2) run15 status and p+Au preparations
3) BUR and beam species requested:
1) Run 15, other news
2) IST calib. production request
3) QA - Prod2014
A Full day SSD software review and readiness for Production 2014 data sample.
1. run status and preparation for p+A,
2. production status/updates,
3. PWGC updates,
4. Collaboration meeting
5. LRP news
6. AOB
--- Agenda ---
1) QM'15 PWG topics - update
1. Survey Run 15 - Lukas
1) production status (run14) and plan
2) run status (p+p completion and p+Au preparation)
3) collaboration meeting, and APS site visit
0) News, Run-15
1) Embedding plan/progress
2) SSD Softw. (includes SSD in tracking QA/Efficiency)
3) AOB