Trigger requests for AuAu - summary / discussion
1. Particle Identification - Rafal
2. Embedding request - Lukasz
3. J/Psi to ee ratios and rho ratios- Spencer
4. AOB - all
1) Run15 Calibration updates
- Sanshiro/Guannan sector #7 re-alignment after re-survey.
- Subsystems updates
ID: 1096183
EVO Phone Bridge Telephone Numbers:
- USA (BNL, Upton, NY)
+1 631 344 6100
- USA (Caltech, Pasadena, CA)
+1 626 395 2112
BNL: Dec 10 2015, Rm 2-78
1) run 16 preparation
shift sign-up
2) production (run 15)
next priority
1. PID Analysis Update- Lukasz
2. Info from the Monte Carlo - Bill
3. Paper Proposal Draft Discussion - Chanaka
4. AOB - all
1) Run15 Calibs
- Mustafa/Xin: first look at TPC-HFT alignment in p-p data
- Subsystems updates
1) run preparations
2) eTOF proposal (and internal review)
3) collaboration meeting
1) Calibration pass for run15
2) Remaining tasks before run15 production