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Tuesday September 25, 2018
Start: 2018-09-25 11:00
End: 2018-09-25 12:00

 Discussion on iTPC software

connection information

Thursday September 27, 2018
Start: 2018-09-27 16:00
End: 2018-09-27 17:01

SRN ID: 1096183

EVO Phone Bridge Telephone Numbers:
- USA (BNL, Upton, NY)
+1 631 344 6100

- USA (Caltech, Pasadena, CA)
+1 626 395 2112

Friday September 28, 2018
Start: 2018-09-28 12:00
Meeting starts Noon BNL Time - BlueJeans Conference ID : 160455989, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00 

Monday October 01, 2018
Start: 2018-10-01 10:00
Tuesday October 02, 2018
Start: 2018-10-02 10:00
End: 2018-10-02 11:00

 material for weekly software meeting

Start: 2018-10-02 10:00


Update on Software progress tracking and calorimetry
Preparation of face-to-face meeting on electronics

Wednesday October 03, 2018
Start: 2018-10-03 09:30
End: 2018-10-03 17:00

 Remote access is the usual blue jeans for the wed iTPC meeting.

Please upload talks to this page.

here is a link to Tonko's talk

Start: 2018-10-03 12:00
End: 2018-10-03 13:00
Thursday October 04, 2018
Start: 2018-10-04 08:30
Start: 2018-10-04 10:00
End: 2018-10-04 12:00
Friday October 05, 2018
Start: 2018-10-04 08:30
End: 2018-10-05 13:00
Start: 2018-10-05 09:30
End: 2018-10-05 11:30
Start: 2018-10-05 12:00
End: 2018-10-05 13:00

1) preparation for run 19 schedule and progress 

2) forward upgrade review (November 19) 

Monday October 08, 2018
Start: 2018-10-08 10:00

1) Al+Au FXT paper proposal - Usman

Tuesday October 09, 2018
Start: 2018-10-09 10:00


  • Follow up on face-to-face readout meetings
  • Preparation of Review

Information to join the Meeting:

Wednesday October 10, 2018
Start: 2018-10-10 12:00
End: 2018-10-10 13:00
Thursday October 11, 2018
Start: 2018-10-11 16:00
End: 2018-10-11 17:00

SRN ID: 1096183

EVO Phone Bridge Telephone Numbers:
- USA (BNL, Upton, NY)
+1 631 344 6100

- USA (Caltech, Pasadena, CA)
+1 626 395 2112

Friday October 12, 2018
Start: 2018-10-12 09:30
End: 2018-10-12 11:30

1) PWGC Preview

Title: Charge separation measurements in p+Au, d+Au and Au+Au collisions; implications for the search for the chiral magnetic effect
PWG: BulkCorr

Start: 2018-10-12 10:00
Monday October 15, 2018
Start: 2018-10-15 10:00
Tuesday October 16, 2018
Start: 2018-10-16 10:00


Start: 2018-10-16 10:00
End: 2018-10-16 11:00


Start: 2018-10-16 15:00


Dial in info

To join the Meeting:
Wednesday October 17, 2018
Start: 2018-10-17 12:00
End: 2018-10-17 13:00
Thursday October 18, 2018
Start: 2018-10-18 10:00
End: 2018-10-18 12:00
Friday October 19, 2018
Start: 2018-10-19 09:30
End: 2018-10-19 11:30

1) PWGC Preview

Title: Longitudinal polarization of Lambda hyperons in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV
PWG: BulkCorr

Start: 2018-10-19 10:00

BlueJeans Conference ID : 160455989, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

1) preparation for run 19 schedule and progress 

Monday October 22, 2018
Start: 2018-10-22 10:00


Tuesday October 23, 2018
Start: 2018-10-23 10:00

To join the Meeting:
To join via Room System:
Start: 2018-10-23 11:00
End: 2018-10-23 12:00

 Weekly software meeting.
Please add items to page before meeting

Start: 2018-10-23 15:00

 To join the Meeting:
To join via Room System:
Video Conferencing System: -or-
Thursday October 25, 2018
Start: 2018-10-25 10:00
End: 2018-10-25 12:00